Модельный ряд land rover range rover с 1970 по 2021 год

Королевский ранжир

Overview Of The P38 Range Rover

Land Rover

The second-generation Range Rover arrived in 1994, 24 years after the introduction of the Range Rover Classic. In fact, Land Rover offered both simultaneously for a little while. Internally known as the P (for Project) 38 or P38A, after the office building where the team laid out the plans, Land Rover sold it from 1994 to 2001, after which they replaced it with the L322. On the outside, the P38, like all succeeding generations, was simply evolutionary rather than revolutionary.

It was a little less blocky than the P38, but it still retained that classic Range Rover shape, with the subtle kink in the rear end, and the general slab sides and modern (for the time) look. It has aged surprisingly well, and it still looks good even to this day. Like all Range Rovers, the P38 has the model name spelled out in big letters above the front grille. Land Rover offered the P38 Range Rover with two V8 engines, and for a little while, it was in a class of its own. However, pretty soon, other automakers started to join the party. The original Lincoln Navigator and its Mercury Mountaineer cousin, the Mercedes-Benz M-Class in 1998, the original Cadillac Escalade, which had some excellent features, in ’99, and the original BMW X5 in 2000, the latter of which has also transformed into a very desirable SUV.

Should I buy one?

This model is a priceless family heirloom, and we wouldn’t suggest splashing out on a classic unless you’re really ready to take the plunge into a world of high maintenance fun.

The Velar prototype is considerably smaller than the current Range Rover, but the new Velar – that goes on sale in August 2017 – promises to encapsulate all the strengths of the Range Rover package within a smaller footprint. It’ll be priced from £44,830 and we’ll have the first drive on Motor1 UK at the end of July. 

Curious as to how we got from the Velar prototype of 1969 to the smooth-as-silk SUV of 2017? Watch our video below on the history of the car. 


Первое поколение Range Rover было показано в 1970 году. Долгое время Range Rover выпускали только в 3-дверном кузове с бензиновым двигателем V8 объемом 3,5 л (128 л.с.). А вот 5-дверная версия появилась лишь в 1983 году.

В 1985 году просьбы владельцев автомобиля поставить более мощный мотор были услышаны: Range Rover получил 3,5-литровый агрегат с системой впрыска топлива, который выдавал уже 168 л.с. Ну а в 1989 году появились двигатели объемом 3,9 л (182 л.с.) и 4,2 л (202 л.с.). 1992 год был ознаменован дебютом пневматической подвески, которую сначала ставили только по заказу.

В 1994 году BMW купила компании «Rover» и «Land Rover». В том же году показали долгожданное второе поколение Range Rover. Но самое интересное, что первый «Рейндж» продолжали делать вплоть до 1996 года под названием Range Rover Classic.

Range Rover II стал гораздо более комфортабельным, а пневматическая подвеска предлагалась уже в базовой комплектации. Под капот автомобиля ставили бензиновые моторы объемом 3,9 л и 4,6 л (185 л.с. или 190 л.с. и 226 л.с. соответственно), а также 2,5-литровый дизель производства BMW (136 л.с.). В 1999 году Range Rover пережил модернизацию.

В 2000 году BMW продала «Land Rover» компании «Ford». А в 2001 году свет увидело третье поколение Range Rover.

В 2005 году Range Rover пережил рестайлинг, в результате которого из-под капота автомобиля исчез двигатель V8 объемом 4,4 л производства BMW (286 л.с.). Вместо него стали ставить агрегаты Jaguar: 4,4 л (306 л.с.) и 4,2 л с компрессором (396 л.с.). Кроме того, недавно вместо дизеля BMW объемом 2,9 л (177 л.с.) появился мотор объемом 3,6 л, выдающий 272 л.с.

Однозначно можно утверждать, что третье поколение Range Rover намного крепче двух предыдущих. Правда, назвать Range Rover сверхнадежным и недорогим в эксплуатации все равно нельзя. Эта машина требует очень тщательного ухода и не прощает экономии. Да к тому же с годами Range Rover много теряет в цене.

The end of the classic Range Rover

The original Range Rover stayed at the top of the prestige 4×4 tree for the remainder of its production run, superseded by the second generation in 1994.

It was, again, more evolution rather than revolution, but the new model was even more upmarket to provide greater differentiation with the improving Discovery and to head off increasing competition at the top end.

The mark one was retrospectively named the Range Rover Classic, while the new car embarked on a long battle to see off prestige models from the likes of BMW, Jaguar, Mercedes, VW and even Porsche.

Conceived in the ‘60s as a fast hose-it-out workhorse, the Range Rover has evolved over the years, without a change of clothes, into the world’s most chic off-roader, a luxury five-seater that competes not only with rival off-roaders but with luxury saloons.

Различные версии

Кузовные работы

Рендж Ровер кабриолет 4 двери.

2 двери

Базовая версия Range Rover Classic. Длина около 4,45  м, а колесная база — 100 дюймов (2,54  м ).

4 двери

Длина примерно 4,65  м, а колесная база — 2,74 м (108 дюймов  ). Этот тип кузова был продан на рынок в 1981 году и имел настоящий успех до такой степени, что с года двухдверный кузов больше не предлагался в Соединенном Королевстве, хотя он производился доянварь 1994, в основном для французского рынка. До этого у Range Rovers было только две двери, что затрудняло доступ к задним сиденьям. Эти двери тоже были очень тяжелыми и громоздкими. Несколько компаний предлагали четырехдверные модификации еще в конце 1970-х годов, одна из которых, созданная производителем кузовов Монтеверди, была одобрена для целей гарантии Land Rover, и за ней внимательно следили, когда Land Rover выпустил свою собственную четырехдверную модель.


Многие независимые бодибилдеры и специалисты по подготовке автомобилей изменили дизайн Range Rover Classic в версии с откидным верхом , в шестиколесную или шестидверную модель, а также многие другие модификации для различных профессиональных целей, таких как полиция, скорая помощь, спасатели, охота , и другие профессии.

Особые серии и особые версии

Великий разрыв

Издание Great Divide Edition было представлено в 1990 году . В период с 1990 по 1991 год из этой ограниченной серии было выпущено всего 409 экземпляров, из которых девять использовались в рекламных целях, а 400 были проданы. Название происходит от Великой экспедиции водораздела: автомобильная поездка протяженностью более 1800  км через Соединенные Штаты по части тропы континентального водораздела, совершенная в 1989 году в течение 12 дней. Все автомобили были окрашены в белый цвет Alpine White и, помимо всех доступных в то время опций, были оснащены уникальным кожаным салоном каштанового цвета.

В 2014 году, чтобы отпраздновать 25-летие путешествия, Land Rover воссоздает экспедицию 1989 года с неизмененными версиями Range Rover L405 2012. Land Rover также создаст точную копию Range Rover Classic. Затем в августе того же года он был продан с аукциона.

Версия ралли

См .: Range Rover Classic Rallye .

Can anything beat the Range Rover?

In a desperate bid to find something, anything, that might give the all-conquering Range Rover a run for its money, in January 1978 CAR magazine looked to America, and the Jeep Cherokee Chief and Chevy Blazer.

Both at least £1,000 more expensive than the £8,000 British car, and both utilising typically out-sized engines – 5.7-litres for the Blazer and 5.9 for the Jeep – they both came up short.

Described as “lash-ups to suit the leisure market primarily”, the Yank tanks fell down on sophistication, ride comfort, driver appeal and off-road ability.

So, pretty much everything then.

“The Range Rover may have rivals somewhere in the world,” the magazine wrote. “But the Cherokee and Blazer are not them. Bad luck, chaps. Keep on trying!”

After more than a decade without any real change to the Range Rover’s looks, two extra doors were finally added in 1981, further fuelling the car’s popularity among families who had no intention of ever taking them off road.

An optional package of luxury items became available, including wood window sill cappings, carpets not only for the interior but also the boot, and air conditioning.

It was the beginning of the Chelsea Tractor, coined by environmentalists in the ‘80s to reflect the growing trend among the upper classes in well-to-do parts of London, who trundled through the congested streets in giant SUVs – mainly Range Rovers.

To reflect the rising price of petrol (rather than the then little-known effects of climate change), power was reduced from 130bhp to 125bhp, resulting in marginal gains in economy from 14.2mpg to 16.1mpg…

It just gets better and better

At 18 years of age, the Range Rover just kept on getting better, they key to its success a gradual evolution rather than any great revolution.

It really didn’t need to change, because in 1988 sales were at an all-time high.

The top of the range Vogue SE now came in at a whopping £28,855, but for that you got the most luxurious Range Rover ever sold in the UK, a 2-tonne SUV capable of hitting 60mph in 11.7 seconds on its way to more than 100mph.

As well as the leather and walnut, it came with new toys like heated screen washers and one-touch window operation, with Autocar noting “an air of integrity to the interior that’s never quite been there before”.

“The Range Rover just gets better all the time,” it added. “Cruise at an indicated 90mph and it cossets you like a top-notch luxury saloon – (the ride is) a good deal better than most German luxury saloons.”

The same 3.5-litre V8 engine, now producing 165bhp, and 207lb ft of torque, propelled essentially the same bodyshell, the car outwardly unchanged since 1970.

“Be in no doubt, though, that today’s Range Rover is better than ever,” said the magazine. “There isn’t another car in the world that could stay on top with so few changes. The latest Vogue SE is even further ahead of the pack than before.”

Enter the Discovery

As well as carrying all before it in the premium off-road market, in 1989 the Range Rover gave birth to the Land Rover Discovery, which filled the gap between the rugged Defender and increasingly up market flagship model.

Using largely the same chassis, 4WD system and suspension, and a derivative body structure, the Discovery was aimed at a more affordable market segment, and quickly became Europe’s biggest-selling off-roader.

All of which enabled the Range Rover to become increasingly seen as a luxury car, which just also happened to be the most capable all-terrain vehicle on the market.

In November 1990, CAR magazine pitted the top spec Range Rover Vogue SE, at £31,949 against a Discovery V8i (£20,470), a Land Cruiser (£27,741) and a Mitsubishi Shogun V6 (£19,729).

The Discovery tested used the same power plant as the Range Rover, the evergreen 3.5-litre V8, but the latter’s unit had now been increased to 3.9-litres, pushing up power to 185bhp and torque to 235lb ft.

The test took place exclusively on the road because, well, that’s where most off-roaders were going to be driven.

As true today as it was in 1990, the magazine said: “Most Discoverys and Range Rovers are bought not because they can go where other cars can’t, but because they are smart, trendy, ego-swelling vehicles that overtly reflect an affluent lifestyle.

“No manufacturer is more successful at persuading the well-heeled to spend lavishly on something they do not really need.”

So could any of these cars challenge the Range Rover’s 20-year supremacy?

Not the Land Cruiser, which “cannot be taken very seriously” as a road car in suburbia, and not the Shogun, the “poseur of the group” and “over-endowed with gimmicks and nudge bars”.

“Try as it might, the (overseas) opposition cannot match the simple elegance of the classic Range Rover,” said the magazine.

Which leaves a straight shoot-out between the two cars from the same company, £11,500 apart in price – the top of the range versus the upstart, effectively a downgraded Range Rover.

Of course, on out-and-out quality, it wasn’t really an even match, the Vogue by far the faster, more luxurious, and more capable.

However: “At end of our test everyone wanted to drive home in the Range Rover. But it is simply not worth £11,000 more than the Discovery V8i.”

So the Range Rover was finally deposed, by its little brother, but only on price.

P38 Range Rover Powertrains And Drivetrains

Land Rover

As a result of BMW’s takeover, Land Rover got access to the German automaker’s 2.5-liter I6 turbo-diesel engine, and they offered that in the P38 Range Rover. However, North America never got it, settling instead for one of two derivatives of the famed Rover V8. The smaller unit displaced 4.0 liters, whereas the larger one was a 4.6-liter. Power outputs on the P38 Range Rover vary depending on the model year, as after 1999, Land Rover switched from a Lucas GEMS engine management system to Bosch’s Motronic.

GEMS-equipped cars with the 4.0-liter V8 put out 180 hp and 236 lb-ft of torque, whereas the 4.6 cars put out 225 hp and 280 lb-ft of torque. Motronic-equipped cars with the 4.0 V8 made 188 hp and 250 lb-ft of torque, and the 4.6 made 218 hp and 300 lb-ft of torque. With that, cars with the Motronic system experienced a small horsepower deficit, but a healthy increase in torque. In any case, the 4.6-liter V8 is the preferred engine, as it has more power, and it works better with the weight figure of this car (4,478 lbs).

Both V8 derivatives sent their power to the wheels via a four-speed automatic transmission, while foreign markets also got a five-speed manual. Land Rover still hadn’t figured out how to make SUVs handle as much like cars as possible, but the P38 Range Rover could basically do it all, on the road and off the road as well.

A diesel Range Rover? The horror!

For years, Solihull had held off the introduction of a diesel Range Rover, anxious not to sully its upmarket image with a clattering engine.

At the time, diesel was still mostly confined to commercial vehicles, but the Germans and Japanese we offering diesel versions of in their own 4WDs.

The British company finally relented in 1986, using a 2393cc, four-cylinder unit engineered by VM engines in Italy and based on the basic block from the Rover SD1.

Fitted with a KKK turbocharger, it produced 112bhp at 4200rpm but, more importantly, a formidable 183lb ft of torque at only 2400rpm.

Fuel efficiency was up to 22.4mpg, while the performance was similar to the petrol V8, the turbo offering an impressive surge of mid-range power.

Motor saw the diesel option as a move to plug the remaining gap in the range, with most buyers expected to be truck operators and farmers who held bulk supplies of derv.

To counter criticism of the coarser diesel engine, Land Rover used a Turbo D Range Rover to set 12 world records for diesel vehicles, including the fastest diesel SUV to reach 100mph and furthest a diesel SUV has travelled in 24 hours.

The Turbo D was given an upmarket makeover in 1988 when all the trappings of the petrol Vogue model were offered on the diesel.

For £22,446, buyers got central locking, electric windows and mirrors, burr walnut trim, optional leather seats, a four-speaker stereo, and the option of a sunroof.

It was slower, with a top speed of 92mph, than the petrol Vogue, but Autocar said it would still leave “any Japanese off-roader for dead”, and provided “a real Range Rover experience with diesel economy”.

Early impressions; unintended consequences

The first of the breed was intended to be an off-road ‘hose-it-down’ workhorse that could also be used as a comfortable road-goer.

Vinyl seats and a rubber floor were clearly intended for a utilitarian market, primarily farmers and those who had traditionally owned both a Land Rover and possibly an estate road car.

With the Range Rover, maybe they only needed one vehicle to fulfil both tasks; do the dirty work, hose it clean, and head off to dinner.

That is exactly what happened – but something else very quickly happened too.

Within a few short years, the Range Rover became a status symbol, a genuine alternative to prestige saloons from Jaguar or Mercedes, and increasingly used exclusively on the road.

So it had to evolve with its market, become increasingly luxurious and increasingly civilised, while retaining those world-beating off-road capabilities for those who really did need them.

But back to 1970, and Autocar’s first road test, when the magazine enthused: “Eagerly awaited, the new Range Rover has fulfilled and even surpassed the high hopes held for it.”

Costing a shade over £2,000, the new car came only in three-door guise, with a fairly agricultural four-speed manual gearbox and heavy, unassisted steering.

Its 3528cc V8 took it to a top speed in excess of 90mph, while it was quick off the mark for a car weighing nearly two tonnes, hitting 60mph in 13.9 seconds.

The long-travel coil springs, with huge telescopic dampers, absorbed rough tracks “extraordinarily well”, and far better than the leaf sprung Land Rover.

The magazine traction in the mud from the permanent 4WD as “really remarkable”, with the lockable central differential remaining undeployed despite tackling “one or two almost frighteningly steep gradients”.

Demand for the Range Rover was so high there were reports of under-the-counter premiums to secure new cars, while depreciation on one-year-old cars was non existent.


В 2005 году этот Range Rover был продан новеньким в России. Автомобиль, понятное дело, имеет очень богатую комплектацию и бензиновый мотор.

Разумеется, при покупке некоторые сомнения в надежности машины у владельца возникали, ведь английские внедорожники славятся своей «сыпучестью». Но Range Rover оказался на удивление молодцом. За почти три года у него ничего не ломалось, хотя машина эксплуатировалась в очень жестком режиме. На этой машине не только ездили по городу, но и гонялись по скоростным немецким автобанам, да и на бездорожье выезжали постоянно.

Проверка внедорожника на СТО показала, что пока с машиной полный порядок. Хотя мастера предупредили, что примерно через 15 000–20 000 км придется менять передние пневматические подушки. Сейчас Range Rover продается за $65 000. Владелец привык менять автомобили каждые три года.

How does it drive?

Thank goodness cars are much better to drive these days – it’s rare now that you find a genuinely terrible one, such is the competition between manufacturers. Yet it’s not until you have the sorbet course of a classic car that your driving palate can really be cleansed.

The Range Rover wasn’t a bad car when it came out, the relentless rolling of the suspension, heavy steering and terrifying controls are merely products of 50 years ago. Sampling other generations of Range Rover, you’re made keenly aware of the progress that was made over time – certainly the current model has had some kind of magic performed over it, such is the directness of the steering and the suppleness of the ride. 

As you fire up the Velar prototype you feel a little cocky, but trying to find first gear is an immediately humbling experience. You’ll eventually discover it hiding somewhere a foot off to your left, second immediately below it and then third gear back under your chin. The clutch enjoys a little game of hide and seek as you try to set off, concentrating with all you’ve got. 

The steering wheel is startlingly thin, with little to grip on to. You’ll need a good grip, because going round corners is heavy work. As a modern driver you’re not used to being exposed to the genuine heft of a vehicle, insulated as it is by the electronic trickery. 

It’s a stressful, intense car to drive, especially from the point of view of a pampered modern pansy, but that’s not to say it isn’t fun. You feel closer to the outside world than you would in another car, and that sense you’re going to fall out of the window as you wobble round a corner – you just don’t get that anywhere else. 


Range Rover нового поколения стали продавать в России

Новый Range Rover представили официально

Новый Land Rover Range Rover представят в октябре

Range Rover получил новые эксклюзивные серии Ultimate

Юбилейный Range Rover Fifty: в России от 10.921.000 руб.

Range Rover получил юбилейную версию Fifty

Range Rover получил специальную серию на базе комплектации HSE 2019 мг

Land Rover Range Rover 2019 модельного года: в России от 7.008.000 рублей

Range Rover 2019 модельного года получил новые технологии

The history

Back around the late 1960s the economy was shot and everyone started driving around in smaller, more fuel-efficient cars because the price of oil was all crazy. It was nothing like today, it’s hard to relate to. 

One thing that was completely different was that there were no SUVs on the road – they simply hadn’t been invented yet. It was an innocent paradise, where children could play in the streets after school, probably without shoes. 

British Leyland was a car industry powerhouse, pumping vehicles out by the boatload. Because it didn’t keep its engineers busy enough they would spend time inventing things, and some chaps in Solihull decided to come up with something that blended the comfort and ease of use of a Jaguar S-type with the go-anywhere off-road prowess of a Land Rover Defender. 

The prototype was nicknamed Velar by one of the engineers – from the Spanish word that means ‘to keep a secret’. It didn’t stay secret for long – the Range Rover that resulted from this offbeat project would change the face of the car market, blurring the lines between segment types that until now had been very clear cut.

The first-generation of the 4×4 would enjoy an unprecedented 25-year production run, benefiting from steady development and constant improvement. It’s fair to say, though, that its success was unexpected – where Land Rover expected the Range Rover might see limited success among farmers and landowners, the well-off in towns and cities saw the high driving position and imposing size of the car as a real bonus.

Aside from the Velar badge on the front of the car, the Velar prototype is entirely recognisable as an early Range Rover, with its familiar square shape, round headlights and three-door layout. This car is one of eight engineering prototypes that were built in 1969 to test the mechanical gubbins of the new car, crossing the Sahara desert in north Africa twice. It hasn’t just seen better days, it’s craving a few quiet ones. 

How does it drive?

Thank goodness cars are much better to drive these days – it’s rare now that you find a genuinely terrible one, such is the competition between manufacturers. Yet it’s not until you have the sorbet course of a classic car that your driving palate can really be cleansed.

The Range Rover wasn’t a bad car when it came out, the relentless rolling of the suspension, heavy steering and terrifying controls are merely products of 50 years ago. Sampling other generations of Range Rover, you’re made keenly aware of the progress that was made over time – certainly the current model has had some kind of magic performed over it, such is the directness of the steering and the suppleness of the ride. 

As you fire up the Velar prototype you feel a little cocky, but trying to find first gear is an immediately humbling experience. You’ll eventually discover it hiding somewhere a foot off to your left, second immediately below it and then third gear back under your chin. The clutch enjoys a little game of hide and seek as you try to set off, concentrating with all you’ve got. 

The steering wheel is startlingly thin, with little to grip on to. You’ll need a good grip, because going round corners is heavy work. As a modern driver you’re not used to being exposed to the genuine heft of a vehicle, insulated as it is by the electronic trickery. 

It’s a stressful, intense car to drive, especially from the point of view of a pampered modern pansy, but that’s not to say it isn’t fun. You feel closer to the outside world than you would in another car, and that sense you’re going to fall out of the window as you wobble round a corner – you just don’t get that anywhere else. 

Should I buy one?

This model is a priceless family heirloom, and we wouldn’t suggest splashing out on a classic unless you’re really ready to take the plunge into a world of high maintenance fun.

The Velar prototype is considerably smaller than the current Range Rover, but the new Velar – that goes on sale in August 2017 – promises to encapsulate all the strengths of the Range Rover package within a smaller footprint. It’ll be priced from £44,830 and we’ll have the first drive on Motor1 UK at the end of July. 

Curious as to how we got from the Velar prototype of 1969 to the smooth-as-silk SUV of 2017? Watch our video below on the history of the car. 


Андрей ЛЕМИГОВ, генеральный директор экспертной фирмы ДЭКС:

— Если бы меня спросили, какой автомобиль сочетает в себе красоту, комфорт, динамику и проходимость одновременно, то я непременно назвал бы Range Rover. И это несмотря на то, что даже на его родине, в Англии, по поводу этих машин существует поговорка, что если утром под своей машиной вы не увидели лужу масла, значит, его там вообще нет. Хотя «третье» поколение «рейнджеров» от этой беды избавилось. И все же, учитывая особенности эксплуатации автомобиля в России, причем купленного в подержанном состоянии, рекомендовать эту модель я бы воздержался даже руководителю хорошего автосервиса. Слишком много в машине заложено такого, что делает ее ремонт в большей части отечественных автосервисов невозможным. Обращаться же в авторизованные сервисы «Land Rover» не по карману даже весьма состоятельным господам.

Дмитрий ЕРОХИН, генеральный директор «Центра автомобильных кредитов», к.э.н.:

— Range Rover III — автомобиль не из дешевых. Минимальная цена на машину 2002 года выпуска — $37 000. Ценовой диапазон трехлетних автомобилей составляет $50 000–70 000. При покупке Range Rover III 2004–2005 годов выпуска в кредит, например, на три года ежемесячный платеж составит $1500–2000. С учетом расходов на эксплуатацию, техническое обслуживание и страховку общие затраты на содержание автомобиля, включая платеж по кредиту, составят не менее $2500 в месяц.

Один из способов сокращения расходов — увеличение срока кредита. Так, если взять в качестве варианта покупки Range Rover III 2004 года за $50 000, то увеличение срока кредита с трех до пяти лет позволит сократить ежемесячные выплаты с $1500 до $1100. Достаточно часто сами банки предлагают увеличить срок кредита для того, чтобы выплата по кредиту соответствовала заявленному доходу заемщика. Например, заемщик с доходом $3000 по нормативам банков не сможет купить Range Rover III в кредит на срок три года, а на пять лет — пожалуйста.

Однако, принимая решение об увеличении срока кредита, не нужно забывать о дополнительных расходах, которые будут съедать оставшуюся часть дохода заемщика. Поэтому если доход не превышает $3000, возможно, стоит либо сократить размер кредита (например, за счет увеличения размера первого взноса), либо отказаться от покупки автомобиля за $50 000.

G-Wagen versus the West End shopping hack

At last, a challenger.

The Mercedes G-Wagen (short for Geländewagen) was one of the first credible competitors to the Range Rover and, according to CAR magazine in November 1981, was equally capable, but lacking the luxury trappings and image of the British car.

Taking a clear pop at those who used the Range Rover as a “West End shopping hack”, the magazine issued an undeniable truth that has echoed throughout the following 40 years – not that it’s stopped the rampant, indeed accelerating, growth of the SUV.

“For everyday, never-off-the-bitumen use, both are quantifiably a waste of time: anyone with an iota of sense would see that they would be paying lots of money for things they would neither need nor use,” it said, adding that the four-wheel-drive may prove useful “when the conditions outside Harrods are really rugged”.


There’s no doubt that the macho machine of the ‘70s had softened in tone, but it must also be said it had lost none of its off-road ability.

The G-Wagen was starkly functional, just how its rival began, and for that reason was never going to win over the army of Range Rover fans, who wanted either luxury, or practicality, or occasionally, both.

An automatic gearbox was offered in 1982, while a five-speed manual lifted from the Jaguar and Rover saloons finally arrived a year later, increasing refinement compared with the truck-like four-speed.

By 1983, the G-Wagen had failed to make much of a dent in the Range Rover’s sale figures, and the Toyota Landcruiser also lacked the charisma to challenge the car’s unique position as the practical but chic all-rounder.

Примечания и ссылки

  1. Официальные сборники документации Land Rover за 1970-1985 гг. (LHP1, v1.1) и 1986-1994 гг. (LHP2, v1.1).
  2. ↑ и (en) Эллисон, Л., ,1994 г.(по состоянию на 16 марта 2006 г. )
  3. (в) Смит, Бенджамин , Land Rover FAQ ( ссылка на 1 — го ноября 2006 года )
  4. (in) Каттинг, Эндрю, , Land Rover Monthly (по состоянию на 7 октября 2009 г. )
  5. (in) Джеффри Росс , об автоэволюции ,7 июля 2014 г.(по состоянию на 22 декабря 2020 г. )
  6. ↑ и (ru) Метуэн, П. и И. М. Кумбер, Руководство по обслуживанию и ремонту Range Rover , Haynes Publishing,1988 г., 380  с. ( ISBN  978-1-85960-274-4 )
  7. (в)
  8. Как и 4,45-  литровый двигатель Rover V8 для TVR Tuscan. См. ( In ) Of Hammill , How to Power Tune Rover V8 Engines for Road and Track , Veloce Publishing,2004 г., 216  с. , стр.  12
  9. ↑ и В 1989 году. См. ( In ) , Land Rover Monthly (по состоянию на 20 марта 2007 г. ).
  10. (в) , Land Rover Monthly «Задняя часть получила виниловое покрытие на задних боковых панелях, и была опция омывателя и дворника заднего стекла. Внутри передние сиденья имели дополнительную ручку, чтобы их было легче опрокинуть снаружи, а для заглушенных отверстий в приборной панели теперь можно было установить дополнительные датчики «.
  11. (в) , Land Rover ежемесячно
  12. (в) , Land Rover Monthly . Изменения коснулись повторителей крыльев, новых наклеек, окрашенных в черный цвет бамперов и зеркал, а также более красивого рулевого колеса.
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