Lamborghini countach

Lamborghini countach


Внутри Ламборгини Кунташ довольно интересно. Большую часть салона обшили кожей, однако не обошлось без солидного количества пластика. Для водителя и пассажира предусмотрели сиденья, имеющие небольшую боковую поддержку, которых недостаточно для спортивного управления. Непосредственно перед водителем установили 3-спицевое рулевое колесо обычного типа.

Далее инженеры расположили довольно длинную приборную панель, получившую 7 обычных аналоговых круглых прибора. Центральную консоль сделали тоже простой. Верхняя её часть обладает местом для магнитолы, установка которой опциональна. Под ними нашлось место для прикуривателя и двух кнопок стеклоподъемников. Еще можно заметить 2 дефлектора воздушной системы, блок управления «климатом», а также селектор коробки переключения передач.

Салон получился довольно простым, однако это всё из-за философии бренда тех годов производства. Внутри конечно тесновато, что является привычным моментом для итальянского бренда. Отчасти это из-за необычной формы кузова, которая не позволила дизайнерской группе вплотную заняться эргономикой салона.

Если брать модификацию Anniversario, она имеет кондиционер и сервопривод стекол. Багажное отделение получило 240 л полезного пространства, что для суперкара является достаточно хорошим результатом.

The Story. Lamborghini Countach History & Evolution

In 1970, Project LP112 was the code name given to what would ultimately become the Countach. The Countach name came from a styling assistant who said the Piedmontese term «contacc!»—an excited term of awe—upon seeing the final concept. The concept shown in 1971 was a huge hit and it took till 1974 before we saw the first production Countach.

The first Countach generation was named LP 400. The bodywork was made of aluminum alloy bonded on a lightweight tubular spaceframe chassis designed by Paolo Stanzani. Suspension was double-wishbones all around, coupled with strong ventilated disc brakes. The engine was originally planned to be a 5-liter V12 good for 440hp, but overheating and reliability problems halted the development and forced Lamborghini to settle on its proven Bizzarrini-designed 3929cc V12. The engine was mounted longitudinally with the gearbox and clutch located in front of the engine. The gearbox was a 5-speed manual. Power transferred back to the rear wheels by a driveshaft running inside the dry engine sump. This arrangement improved front-rear weight distribution leading to better handling and it shortened gear linkage thus made gearchanges more precise.

The innovations in engine and transmission placement worked, with the first-generation Countach making 325 bhp @ 7,500 rpm and 260 ft lbs @ 5,500 rpm, leading to a very quick 0 to 60 mph in around 5.9 seconds and top speed of 181 mph.

Through the years, the Countach continually evolved. The earliest 1974 models, known as «Periscopio» for their unique periscope-style rear-view mirror setup, are the purest from a styling standpoint, without the big scoops, vents, wings, and flares that would come to epitomize the later cars.

By 1980, Lamborghini Automobili was in bankruptcy. When new owners came into the picture in 1982, the Countach was finally federalized for U.S. sales—a market that would come to be the automaker’s largest. In 1982, the V12 was enlarged to 4754cc, hence a new designation LP500 (also known as LP5000S in the United States). Tougher emission standard called for reducing compression ratio from 10.5:1 to 9.2:1. Still, the larger engine produced 375 hp and 302 lbft of torque to restore the performance of LP400, despite the additional weight. Performance was not very different although many said the car felt sportier. Other areas were basically unchanged from the previous car.

For 1985, the Countach LP5000 QV was introduced, QV standing for «quattrovalvole,» or four-valve in Italian. True to its name, the now-5.2-liter V-12 was given a four-valves-per-cylinder head for increased efficiency, as well as another bump in output to 455 horsepower when equipped with six downdraft Weber carburetors (leading to these being commonly known as «Downdraft» cars), or 415 horsepower with the Bosch fuel injection U.S.-market cars received to meet Federal emissions standards. American-spec cars also got larger, heavier impact bumpers than their European counterparts and different engine fuel system because of stricter emission requirement.

Arriving in 1988, the 25th Anniversary Edition Countach received an even more outrageous restyle by Horacio Pagani (yes, that Horatio Pagani). The 25th Anniversary Edition Countach was often seen as a tribute to 1980s excess as well as a caricature of the earliest Periscopio models. Mechanically, it was nearly identical to the 5000QV, except that several changes were made to solve well known Countach issues. More ventilation holes were opened in the air dam, side skirts and engine lid in order to better cool the brakes and engine. The air box intakes were also enlarged.


За внешний вид Ламборгини Countach отвечала студия, разрабатывавшая внешность и другой прошлой машины итальянской компании. Что касается самой студии, занимавшейся дизайном этой машины, она была довольно молодая и поэтому суперкар нельзя назвать эргономичным. Также он не сильно похож на транспортные средства того времени и даже на модели, производимые сегодня. Невзирая на обтекаемые линии корпуса, аэродинамические характеристики машины были достаточно низкими.

Оригинальная внешность концептуальной версии изменялась для соответствия аэродинамическим нормам, а также для эргономики, удобства управления и соответствия проектным требованиям. Такие перемены стартовали с дебютного серийного варианта, когда инженеры поняли, что необходимы дополнительные вентиляционные отверстия для охлаждения силового агрегата.

В результате, двери и задние крылья оснащались воздухозаборниками с малым динамическим сопротивлением. Кроме этого, на экстерьер Lamborghini Countach серьезно повлияло наличие спойлеров, крышек карбюраторов, бампером и прочих конструкционных изменений. Высота дорожного просвета составляла 124 миллиметров. Внешний вид «итальянца» может похвастаться плавными линиями и довольно большим количеством угловатых линий.

Если смотреть на суперкар со всех сторон, создается ощущение, что машина чересчур квадратная. Одна из особых «фишек» автомобиля – это двери, поднимающиеся вверх. Это является дизайнерским решением, однако с другой стороны машина чересчур широкая и если бы двери открывались горизонтально, это доставляло бы определенные трудности людям, ездившим на этой машине в городском режиме.

Через некоторое время подобный тип дверей зарегистрировали, как фирменную технологию и далее использовали почти на всех машинах компании Ламборджини. Многие знают такой вариант, как «Ламбо-двери».

Слово countach – это удивлённый возглас, которым пользуются мужчина при виде весьма красивой женщины на пьемонтском диалекте итальянского языка.

Над экстерьером удачно поработал Марчелло Гандини, талантливый дизайнер, который стал более известным благодаря автомобилю Miura, который также являлась результатом его трудов. Дизайнеры, вместе с группой инженеров, смогли разработать низкий, угловатый и широкий кузов, при взгляде на который появлялось чувство, что корпус Ламборджини Countach состоит из нескольких трапециевидных плоскостей.

Интересно, что как раз после этого суперкара началась мода на эксцентричный, смелый и безумный экстерьер машин итальянского бренда. Опирается итальянский суперкар на 15-дюймовые колесные диски.

25th Anniversary Countach

The fastest and sleekest edition of the Countach, the 25th-anniversary model was the last model produced before the release of its successor, the Lamborghini Diablo. The final Lamborghini Countach was meant to send the Countach out in style. So it is the widest, meanest version that was overseen by Chief Engineer Horacio Pagani. Revised intakes allowed the radiators to be mounted vertically, which allows them to run cooler. Ground effect aerodynamics were added to the rocker panels and the bumpers, and the styling was praised around the world. Unprecedented demand spilled over from 1988 into 1990, with 658 examples produced.

Images via Lamborghini


The original Countach was in production for just over 20 years, and Lamborghini tried to incorporate design elements from that entire timespan into the new version. Details like thin headlights, an air intake at the base of the windshield, and vents just behind the side windows tie the Countach LPI 800-4 to the first Countach prototype, which debuted at the 1971 Geneva Motor Show. However, the large side air intake and boxy wheel arches are more reminiscent of later Countach models.

Lamborghini didn’t go too crazy, however. The Countach LPI 800-4 doesn’t have the fender flares, raised side air intakes, or large rear spoiler the original Countach accumulated as it aged. The automaker said it was going for a cleaner look, and some of those add-ons, such as the spoiler, were purely cosmetic anyway. Designers did keep the scissor doors, which were introduced on the original Countach and have been a Lamborghini signature every since.

Countach Interior

Elegantly adorned in leather, two low-slung seats provide an impressive level of comfort for a supercar. Each of these seats are well cushioned and features geometric padding, an aspect that was actually carried over to the new Countach. With a classic Italian flare, the bold interior colors, typically red or tan, reflect the opulent nature of the Countach. The sophisticated cabin offers air conditioning with vents situated on the top of the dashboard and indicators placed on the right side of the steering column. A slanted wheel and pedals ensure maximum comfort while you drive, while a slanted windshield and four side windows offer impressive views of your surroundings. The original Countach’s steering wheel has a simple three-spoke design with the famous Lamborghini raging bull logo in the center. Interestingly enough, the original prototype Countach examples had a single-spoke steering wheel.

LP400 S Countach

Introduced in 1978, the Countach LP400 S has wider tires for stability and sleeker lines. This was a substantial redesign. Wider and lower, it allowed for 345/35/15 tires on the rear. This size was so unique that only Pirelli decided to take on the project. The second-generation Lamborghini Countach LP400 S specs also included dender flares. They were designed by an apprentice named Horacio Pagani, under the supervision of Gandini. The roof was flattened and lost its periscope to reduce turbulence. Small Stewart-Warner gauges and a lowered suspension were standard on the first 50 cars. The next 105 cars had smooth deep-dish wheels and the gauges were easier to see. The final 82 cars had revised suspension. They are 1.2″ higher to avoid scrapes.

Настоящие драйверские ощущения

Эргономика не играла существенной роли при создании суперкара. Узкий кокпит ограничивает уровень комфорта, а для посадки (несмотря на широкой дверной проем) надо выполнить несколько акробатических действий. 

Однако эти мелкие неудобства забываются быстро после запуска мощного двигателя. Ускорение легкой машины впечатляет даже по современным меркам. Водитель Lamborghini Countach получает в свое распоряжение удивительное чувство единения с техникой. Рулевое управление без усилителей очень информативно. Корректное усилие на педаль тормоза не вызывает затруднений. Твердая подвеска обеспечивает отсутствие кренов при прохождении поворотов на высокой скорости.  

Суперкар хорошо приспособлен для динамичной езды 

Технические характеристики

Силовой агрегат

В качестве силовой установки итальянцы решили предложить мощные V-образные 12-цилиндровые карбюраторные двигателя. Так, модификация Lamborghini Countach LP400 может похвастаться 3.9-литровым 375-сильным (361 Нм) силовым агрегатом. Версия LP500 S обладает 4.8-литровой 375-литровой силовой установкой (418 Нм). Самая мощная модификация получила атмосферный 5.2-литровый 455-сильный (500 Нм) двигатель.


Базовые версии получили 5-ступенчатую механическую коробку передач, которая передает от мотора к задним колесам весь потенциал мощности. Уже за 4.5-5.4 сек автомобиль разгоняется с места до первой сотни. Максимальная скорость меняется в зависимости от модификации от 254-298 километров в час.

Ходовая часть

В качестве основания итальянцы решили использовать трубчатую раму, выполненную из алюминиевых сплавов, на которую навесили внешние кузовные панели. На всех осях стоят независимые подвески на двойных поперечных рычагах с пассивными амортизаторами.

Также стоят винтовые пружины и стабилизаторы поперечной устойчивости. Управляется итальянский суперкар при помощи реечного рулевого механизма и гидравлического усилителя. Тормозная система получила тормозной комплекс с вентилируемыми дисковыми механизмами на всех колесах.

Countach Transmission

Each of the Lambo Countach between 1974 and 1990 demanded a potent five-speed manual transmission. The inclusion of the manual transmission and the traditional clutch operation sits well with supercar enthusiasts who prefer a hands-on approach to driving the iconic automobile. Shifting from gear to gear, you can truly feel the power that lies in the Lamborghini V12 engine. In this unique layout, the output shaft of the transmission runs through the engine’s oil pan. The differential and engine share the same oil, and the driveshafts emerge next to the timing cover. Go easy on the clutch, as it isn’t easy to access!


The gasoline V12 and electric motor combine to produce 803 horsepower, which is where the “800” in the car’s name comes from. “LP” stands for “longitudinale posteriore,” referencing the positioning of the engine, “I” represents the hybrid system, and “4” stands for all-wheel drive.

Despite its carbon fiber chassis, the Countach LPI 800-4 is still portly. Lamborghini quotes a 3,516-pound curb weight, and that’s a dry weight without fluids onboard. The automaker also quotes a 43/57 front/rear weight distribution, slightly off the ideal 50/50.

Still, the new Countach is about as fast as one would expect an 803-hp car to be. Lamborghini says it will do zero to 62 mph in 2.8 seconds, zero to 124 mph in 8.6 seconds, and reach a 220.5 mph top speed. However, it’s worth noting that the zero-to-62-mph time is identical to the non-hybrid Lamborghini Aventador Ultimae coupe, which also has roughly the same top speed as the Countach.

Standout Features

The most notable features of the Lamborghini Countach models are related to the exterior design. This is largely because the Countach strayed from the expectations of exotic car models of its time. This risky design was unprecedented, making it one of the most iconic supercars of its time. With its angular shape and the absence of bulky mudguards and spoilers in the rear, it is one of the most widely recognizable Lamborghini models to date. Likewise, the design was the first to include scissor doors, which would eventually become a staple feature for the Lamborghini brand. United States-specific examples of the Lamborghini Countach included larger safety bumpers and a Bosch K-Jetronic fuel injection system.

Countach Brakes

When it comes to supercars like the Lamborghini Countach, speed is essential. The first-generation Countach models have the capability to reach 179 mph, with subsequent models topping this number at a shocking 185 mph. At these top speeds, stopping at the drop of a dime is a necessary safety precaution. To ensure the safety of drivers, Lamborghini designers included a braking system that harnesses the stopping power of 12-inch ventilated disk brakes. This makes for a braking distance from 80 mph to 0 mph of 226 feet. A number of used Lamborghini Countach models may also be equipped with newer-model, high-performance brakes.

Countach Price

A classic and exemplary model of the Lamborghini brand, the Lamborghini Countach price include are those of a highly sought-after supercar. It was produced for 16 years, and there are a number of models available. The price for a used Lamborghini Countach is largely determined by the model, with first-generation and the 25th-anniversary models falling at the higher end of the spectrum. Other factors, such as the overall condition and the mileage, will also play a significant role in pricing. Typically, you can expect the Lamborghini Countach price range from $250,000 to $550,000, although values have been known to extend upwards to more than $1 million for vehicles in pristine condition. Even in the current marketplace, prices of used Countach examples don’t compare to the new Lamborghini Countach price of $2.6 million.

Turbo S Countach

The Turbo S Countach includes a giant turbocharger, and it was meant to be a competitor against the other turbo cars of the mid-80’s. Only two examples were built. Both had analog boost controllers adjacent to the steering column, which could allow the driver to adjust between 10.2 and 21.8 pounds. When dialed up, it made 747 horsepower and 646 lb-ft of torque. Without any stability or traction control, it scared test driver Valentino Balboni, and he said it was too fast for the public. Two cars were built, and one remains. These turbo Countach was a response to turbos being adopted by the competition, but this car was simply before its time.

2023 Lamborghini Countach : Interior

Like the exterior, the version has the design of a more modern interior, each of these seats is well cushioned and features geometric padding, a feature that has actually been moved to the new Countach. With the classic Italian flare, bright interior colors, usually, red or tan, reflect the Countach luxury nature. The state-of-the-art cabinet provides air conditioning with air vents located at the top of the dashboard and indicators located to the right of the steering column. The sloping wheel and pedals ensure maximum comfort while driving, while the sloping window and four side windows give you an amazing view of the surrounding area. The first Countach wheel has a simple three-dimensional design with the symbol of a flaming Lamborghini steering wheel in the center.

2023 Lamborghini Countach Interior

2023 Countach LPI-800-4 Facelift

Interestingly, the actual Countach models had a one-dimensional steering wheel. With its angular shape and the absence of large mudguards and rear spoilers, it is one of the most popular Lamborghini models to date. Likewise, the design was the first to install scissors doors, which would eventually become an integral part of the Lamborghini type. United States-specific Lamborghini Countach models include major safety bumpers and the Bosch K-Jetronic fuel injection system.

2023 Lamborghini Countach : Engine

The Countach is equipped with a 6.5-liter V-12 engine. A small electric motor draws power from the supercapacitor and combines it with a large gas engine to produce 802 horsepower. This is transmitted to all wheels by an automated transmission that pulls with seven gears. Lamborghini says the powertrain will help it reach zero-to-62 mph in 2.8 seconds and a top speed of 221 mph. Before anyone could write, his Swiss bank about the seven-digit cable transfer, all 112 copies of the 2022 Countach have been mentioned. The All Countach rides 20-inch wheels in front and 21 inches outside. And if the driver encounters any speed bumps, there is a front axle lifting system installed to protect the car’s expensive chin.

2023 Lamborghini Countach : Safety

The Lamborghini did not announce the standard safety features. It’s excepted, the Lamborghini 2023 models will be blessed with the best safety features that incorporate both traditional and new features. Like Aventador, the 2023 Countach key safety features include an anti-lock auto braking System, parking sensors, central locking, driver airbag, passenger airbag, front, and side airbag, smart access card entry, seat belt warning, brake assist, crash sensor, anti-theft alarm, power door locks, side touch beams, front impact beams, day and night sight mirror, passenger rear-view mirror, and much more.

Influenced by the original Countach

And it is that finally, after several internal reports that pointed to this possibility, Lamborghini confirmed through its official Twitter account with a teaser video of just 20 seconds that the Lamborghini Countach returns in full XXI century, pointing to an imminent premiere that just took place on the occasion of the Monterey Car Week.


The images show us a model that collects the seventies lines of the Countach on what appears to be the base of the Lamborghini Sián, with a much cleaner silhouette than the more recent Lambo that includes the main classic supercar features, such as its face with rectangular headlights and air intakes, the large triangle-shaped air inlet behind the driver’s door and the gills behind its windows, and a spectacular rear that adapts the rear of the Countach to the 21st century, with a gigantic diffuser and its two pairs of traditional-looking exhaust outlets. Even its wheels (20 inches on the front axle and 21 “on the rear) that form five circles are reminiscent of those of classic Lamborghini. Only the taillights take a little more license compared to the original model, with a rather similar to the Sián.


Lamborghini makes available to buyers of this car a wide range of Heritage exterior colors, which include the iconic Impact White, Giallo and Medium Green. These shades are complemented by other more contemporary novelties, such as gray, purple and blue. As for the interior, there are four configurations available, one-color or two-color, in a choice of five colors for the carpet, headliner and seams.

The Italian brand ensures that the interior is inspired by the design of the original Countach, adapted to a modern car. Highlights a classic and luxurious leather with geometric stitching, either on the exclusive car seats or on the dashboard, and squared accents that refer to the bold style and optimism of the design and technology of the 70s. An 8.4-inch central touch screen, Exclusive to the LPI 800-4, it allows you to manage your car controls, including connectivity and Apple CarPlay. It also includes the exclusive “Stile” button which when pressed, explains the Countach’s design philosophy to its privileged owner.



На модифицированном чёрном Lamborghini Countach принимают участие в гонке героини Эдриэнн Барбо и Тары Буркман в фильме «Гонки «Пушечное ядро». А в фильме » Гонки » Пушечное ядро » 3 » Lamborghini Countach красного цвета выполнил один из самых зрелищных автотрюков в истории кинематографа: автомобиль проскочил ров с водой шириной в 30 метров.

На красном Lamborghini Countach передвигался Жан-Клод «Комар» Айаш в криминальной драме Яна Каунена «Доберман».

Чёрная реплика Lamborghini Countach противостояла в погоне с Ferrari F40  в фильме «Дерево Джошуа».

Lamborghini Countach красного цвета принимал участие в фильме «Давид и Мадам Ансен» с Изабель Аджани.

В фильме «Разборка в Бронксе» Lamborghini Countach использовалась главным героем Джеки Чана, чтобы остановить преступников, использовавших судно на воздушной подушке.

Lamborghini Countach белого цвета был в фильме «Волк с Уолл-стрит» с Леонардо Ди Каприо.

В сериале «в Филадельфии всегда солнечно» в финальной серии пятого сезона герой Денни Де Витопокупает себе на рождество Lamborghini Countach чтобы позлить сына.

В порно-фильме 1986 года «Пряности Майами» (Miami Spice) 2 героини передвигались на красном Lamborghini Countach с салоном из бежевой кожи.


Lamborghini plans to build 112 copies of the new Countach, referencing the LP 112 codename used during the development of the original. Pricing is expected to be well into the seven-figure range, and production is scheduled to start in 2022.

Lamborghini is expected to introduce more hybrids over the next few years. A planned successor to the Aventador is expected to use a new V12 engine teamed with a more aggressive hybrid system than the one used in the Countach. However, it’s unclear if we’ll see an all-electric Lamborghini anytime soon.

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История и технические характеристики

В течение всего производственного цикла (1977-1991 г. г.) собрано 1999 экземпляров Lamborghini Countach. Именно эта модель получила самые высокие оценки членов экспертного сообщества. Суперкар внесен в национальный реестр исторических транспортных средств библиотеки конгресса США. 

Прообраз суперкара, представленный как концепт на Женевском автосалоне в 1971 году

Революционным для своего времени был не только внешний вид. Инженеры поставили огромный силовой продольно с поворотом на 90 градусов. Механическая коробка переключения передач установлена в такое положение, которое позволило создать непосредственную связь с рукояткой без тросов и других вспомогательных механизмов. Ножничные двери, закрепленные на неподвижной петле в передней части проема, стали «визитной карточкой» модели.

Моторный отсек

В следующем перечне представлены параметры Lamborghini Countach 1990 года выпуска с наиболее мощным двигателем в серии:

  • привод – задний;
  • габаритные размеры (Длина х Ширина х Высота) – 4140 х 1890 х 1070 мм;
  • колесная база – 2450 мм;
  • ширина колеи (передней/ задней) – 1490/ 1605 мм;
  • высота дорожного просвета – 105 мм;
  • масса – 1605 кг;
  • трансмиссия – 5-ступенчатая «механика»;
  • двигатель – бензиновый, атмосферный, V12, 5156 см куб., 455 л. с., 500 Н*м;
  • максимальная скорость – 295 км/ч;
  • время разгона до 100 км/ч – 4,9 с;
  • расход топлива (смешанный цикл) – 20 л.

Передняя панель

2022 Lamborghini Countach design

There are probably only a handful of cars that became as genuinely iconic as the original Lamborghini Countach — how many bedroom walls in the eighties were plastered with a poster of a Countach? — and so it’s perhaps surprising that Lamborghini has taken so long to revive the original.

We do mean the original, too. This new Countach LPI-800-4 harks all the way back to the first Countach, the 1974 ‘Periscopio’ version. When it was first launched, the Countach was a clean, sleek, simple design and all the more striking for it. The hateful spoilers, extra air intakes, and balloon tyres came later (what we might call Wolf Of Wall Street spec).

For the new Countach, Lamborghini has kept things clean and smooth. The low, pointy nose references the original design with square LED headlights (no pop-ups, this time around) and a slim, black bar running across the front, which houses a ‘Countach’ badge, complete with eighties-style lettering.

Around the sides, the scissor doors (they open up and forwards) are cut deeply into by a big NACA-style air duct, that helps to feed the mighty V12 engine behind. There are also air scoops and ‘gills’ higher up on the rear bodywork.

Around the back, the rear end of the car comes almost to a point, and there’s no big, ugly rear wing to spoil the lines. The LED brake lights — ultra-slim units — are set into a black panel just under the lip of the rear bodywork, and below them, there’s a massive carbon fibre diffuser, quad exhausts, and the finishing touch of an Italian tricolour.

You can choose from 33 different colours for your Countach, including a set of ‘heritage colours’ such as the brilliantly named ‘Verde Scandal.’

800 hp hybrids

And it is no coincidence, since like Lamborghini’s latest electrified supercar this Countach is also a hybrid. As is customary, its name already confirms the main details of its mechanics since LPI means Longitudinal Posterior Hybrid, which means that, in addition to maintaining the usual central engine configuration in rear longitudinal arrangement, for the first time an “I” is added which makes it clear that its mechanics will be hybrid.

A propulsion system that, as the last part of its name also indicates, offers a lot, but a lot of power. Virtually all the responsibility falls on a naturally aspirated V12 engine that develops a total of 780 horsepower by itself, although when combined with a 34 hp electric drive, the futuristic reinterpretation of the Countach achieves a combined maximum power of 814 horsepower. All that energy is sent to all four wheels, so that this vehicle manages to reach 100 km / h in just 2.8 seconds (200 km / h is reached in 8.6 seconds) and its maximum speed is 355 km / h.


“The Countach LPI 800-4 is a visionary car, as was its predecessor. One of the most important automotive icons, the Countach, not only reflects Lamborghini’s design and engineering principle, but represents our philosophy of reinventing the limits. , achieve the unexpected and extraordinary and, most importantly, be ‘dream stuff.’ The Countach LPI 800-4 pays homage to this Lamborghini legacy without being hindsight – imagine how the iconic Countach of the ’70s and’ 80s could have evolved into an elite supercar of this decade. It upholds the Lamborghini tradition of looking forward, exploring new avenues of design and technology, while commemorating our brand’s DNA. It is a Lamborghini that innately expresses character enduring and emotional of the brand: always inspiring and exciting to see, hear and, above all, to drive, “he says Stephan Winkelmann, President and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini.


Arrives in 2022

At first it was thought that it would be a special commemorative edition, perhaps a very limited special series or even an exhibition car show for the aforementioned event, but we already know that Lamborghini will produce a total of 112 units of this legendary sports car which caused a sensation in the 1980s. That number was no coincidence as it denotes the name of the in-house project “LP 112” used during the development of the original Lamborghini Countach. The first units will arrive in the first quarter of next year.


Countach Engine

The original Countach engine includes a standard Lamborghini V12, which was mounted longitudinally, earning the first generation models the title of “LP 400.” This decision was made to allow the engine to point backward, in comparison to other models, in efforts to improve the weight distribution of the vehicle. This move proved successful, allowing the first gen Countach models to produce 375 CV and reach maximum speeds of 179 mph. With the ability to reach 0 to 60 mph in around 5.4 seconds, the Countach proved to have both a striking style and a powerful engine that exceeded expectations of the Lamborghini brand. Being an older V12 engine, the original Countach’s engine most definitely does not compare to the new Countach specs that we see today. That being said, there’s nothing quite like the sound of an Original Countach’s V12 engine.

LP400 Countach

The first-generation model to be released, the Countach LP400 has the lowest drag of the Countach models with top speeds of 179 mph. Ferruccio Lamborghini entrusted the exterior to the same artist also responsible for its predecessor. Marcello Gandini at Bertone sculped a flowing wedge that didn’t need fancy aerodynamics. It was the fastest Countach because the wheels were tucked inside the body, and the massive NACA ducts behind the door handle. Rear visibility wasn’t bad thanks to side-draught carburetors. They allowed the decklid to be low and not obstruct the driver. The best feature was an indention in the middle of the roof. It was a rear-facing periscope with a mirror to the driver’s line of sight – one of the most brilliant styling cues of all time. In fact, Lamborghini carried this “periscope” design over to the new Countach as the model is a true homage to the original.

LP5000 Quattrovalvole Countach

In 1985, the LP5000 Quattrovalvole Lamborghini Countach top speed was 185 mph with an upgraded 5.2L engine, along with Bosch fuel injection in 1986. The name comes from new cylinder heads, which introduced 4 valves per cylinder. Only 610 examples were built between ’85 and ’88. The bored and stroked engine had 9.5:1 compression, this is competitive even in modern engines. The Bosch intake was taller than the carburetors, so the rear deck lid received a bump to accommodate them. The system was also made to run lean to meet EPA standards, so power was limited to 420 hp. Power locks and HVAC controls were upgraded to make it an easier daily driver and less disco-era.

Подводим итоги

В конце хочется сказать, что итальянцы смогли сделать запоминающийся и необычный суперкар. Машину трудно назвать очень красивой, однако ценители итальянского бренда имеют такой экземпляр в своём гараже. Из-за того, что автомобиль выпускали в ограниченном тираже сегодня он очень ценится. Чтобы его приобрести придётся изрядно постараться, а также выложить солидную сумму денежных средств.

Невзирая на очень простой интерьер, не самые лучшие аэродинамические характеристики, машина навсегда останется в истории Ламборджини. Хотя бы потому что именно с этого автомобиля начали использовать вверх открывающиеся двери, которые впоследствии получили народное название «Ламбо-двери».

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: