Rx7 spirit r type a vs type b

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Additional RX-7 Related Content

There’s certainly no shortage of epic RX-7 content out there, and quite rightly so! We’ve chosen some of our favorite YouTube picks here:

Join TheSmokingTire as they take a 400hp FD out or a spin!

We’re not entirely sure on our feelings on this controversial build, but we certainly want to drive it!

Turbo? Check. 4-rotor? Check! You’ll want to prepare yourself for an eargasm, as this absolutely insane RX-7 hits the dyno!

Seven minutes of pure rotary goodness!

I dunno about you, but for me, I never get bored with fresh Hert FC content!

Think a 100HP N/A won’t be enough for drifting? Think again. Hoonigan took a trip to the UK and this humble FC stood out a mile!

Seven minutes of pure rotary goodness!


There is no doubt that Mazda’s RX7 is one of the best cars ever invented, but do you think RX8 would stand a chance against it? We’ve made a complete comparison of these JDM cars – What’s best, and why?

Mazda RX-7 Pros & Cons


  • Its smooth, high-revving rotary engine, capable of big power
  • Insanely well-balanced lightweight chassis
  • Ideal 50/50 weight distribution
  • Its stunning, timeless body design
  • No pistons? No problem! (Famous last words!)
  • 13B engines swap into 12A RX-7’s with little effort


  • Potentially abused engines
  • Reliability issues with tuned/badly maintained engines
  • Rotary servicing costs
  • The potential difficulty with sourcing parts
  • Rebuilding 12A engines can already be challenging due to discontinued parts

There’s no question that it’s becoming one of the most desirable cars on the used market, but finding a well-maintained version is going to become increasingly difficult.

If you’ve got the budget for your dream RX-7, we’d highly recommend saving some extra money to carry out a rebuild to ensure you have the best base for the long-term.

Third Generation RX-7 USA Sales Figures (1993-1995)

Model R1 BS BS-P TR-A TR-P
Competition Yellow Mica 350
Vintage Red 1177 151 731 430 1775
Brilliant Black 138 109 418 244 954
Silver Stone Metallic 1 58 266 187 824
Montego Blue Metallic 72 319 258 1015
Chaste White 26 54 203 63 276
Perlie White 1
Vintage Red 156 14 60 159 59 248
Brilliant Black 156 16 48 150 42 235
Silver Stone Metallic 83 4 22 74 26 118
Montego Blue Metallic 50 116 323 105 516
Model R2 Base PEP
(auto) manual) (auto) manual)
Chaste White 2 13 2 33
Vintage Red 23 7 19 5 69
Brilliant Black 18 5 21 9 63
Silver Stone Metallic 16 2 6 4 34
Montego Blue Metallic 10 23 16 101

Grand Total:..13,879

Mazda RX-7 FD третьего поколения

Mazda RX-7 FD

После выхода в 1991 году, RX-7 третьего поколения вновь отошла от первоначальной концепции. Экономика Японии находилась на пике, поэтому Мазда сделала новую модель быстрее, мощнее и конечно же дороже. Впрочем, покупатели не возражали.

На внутреннем рынке FD продавалась под недавно созданным представительским брендом Efini, но только лишь 1 год. В 1992 году концепцию признали неудачной и автомобилю вернули прежнее название.

Хорошо знакомый мотор 13B получил сложную систему двойного турбонаддува. Два турбокомпрессора Hitachi работали последовательно: первый с 1800 об/мин, а второй подключается с 4500 об/мин, обеспечивая стабильный прирост мощности во всем диапазоне оборотов. В первые годы выпуска мотор развивал 255 л.с., а с 1993 года и до окончания производства 280 л.с.

Как и в случае с предшественником, FD получила множество модификаций. Самой редкой из них считается Mazda RX-7 Type-A Spirit R. Она включала в себя перфорированные тормозные диски, подвеску Bilstein, кованые диски BBS и специальный аэродинамический пакет. Кроме того в салоне находились спортивные кресла Recaro и руль Nardi.

Производство FD завершилось в 2002 году. Всего было выпущено 88 тысяч автомобилей.


The Mazda RX-7 is undoubtedly one of the first cars that pop up in conversation when enthusiasts speak about 90s legends.

However, this automotive classic has been impressing since Mazda launched its first-ever rotary powered RX to the market in 1978.

Now that it’s firmly sealed its position at the forefront of Mazda history (sorry, Miata owners), we’re keen to take you back to its humble beginnings as pay testament to this unique piece of JDM history.

Often regarded as one of the greatest cars ever produced, the RX-7 features stunning, timeless looks and an insanely brave and unique powerplant. Combine this already-incredible package with a perfect lightweight chassis which epitomizes its finesse – how can you not fall in love?!

It’s the sheer number of boxes that the RX-7 ticks which have deservedly made it one of the most iconic cars in the history books. That’s before we even get talking about its ridiculous Wankel engine and its crazy redline capabilities!

It’s a perfect combination makes it a petrolhead’s dream. Mazda delivered affordability, exceptional handling characteristics, and impressive power into the automotive equivalent of a bikini-clad supermodel to the masses.

Little is known about its true history, but Mazda was, in fact, on the brink of bankruptcy at the time, when they made a make-or-break decision by placing the rotary engine into the first-ever RX-7 in 1978.

With the roadsters of the 50s and 60s struggling to remain current in the new era, its main competition in the Datsun 240z suddenly became less challenging, with the far less sought after 280ZX being launched to the market.

As the RX-7 began picking up traction good export sales, it appeared that the gamble had paid off, as Mazda managed to keep their head above water.

As the FC and FD models then went on to hit the market, from 1985 (FC) until 2002 (FD), it gained it an exceptional following from JDM and sports-car lovers alike.

Following this success, they eventually went on to build over 810,000 RX-7’s between these years, spanning across three generations.

With the infamous FD being sold in the US for just three years, the final generation is now, quite rightly, one of the most sought-after JDM cars on the used market.

We’re going to look back over the history and exactly what this front engine-rear drive classic has offered to the world since it first launched onto the market from the late 70s, through to the present day.

Popular culture appearances

Ever since its debut on Full Throttle in 1987, the RX-7 has appeared on numerous motoring-based video games and other popular media appearances, most notably on games such as Road & Track Presents: The Need for Speed, Kaido Racer I & II (Tokyo Xtreme Racer), Enthusia Professional Racing, The Fast and the Furious movie and its sequels, Initial D (in the anime ,videogame and Movie), the Forza Motorsport series, the Gran Turismo series, Need for Speed: Underground and its sequels, Project Gotham Racing 2, as well being the first appearance of the SA22 on Sega GT 2002 and on the cover of Auto Modellista and the PS2 version of Battle Gear 3.

In Initial D, the Takahashi brothers both drive RX-7s, hence their other moniker, The Rotary Brothers. The older brother Ryosuke drives a white FC, and the younger brother Keisuke drives a yellow twin-turbo FD. There was another character, Kyoko Iwase, who drove a black single-turbo FD.

The RX-7 FB was also featured in the tokusatsu show Uchuu Keiji Shaider, as Annie’s yellow-colored civilian patrol vehicle.

What does the future hold for the RX-7?

We’re hearing that we’ve not yet witnessed the end of the “RX” chapter just yet, and it seems that Mazda are more determined than ever to keep the dream alive. With the revival of the NSX and the Supra, could the RX-7 be coming next?

With what were once rumors of a 2017 re-release to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Cosmo Sport, we can now clearly confirm that it never happened!

However, during the 2015 Tokyo Motor Show, the RX VISION was confirmed to feature a new-generation rotary under the hood, but it’s still yet to see the light of day.

It seems that the main issues which are likely slowing progress are creating a reliable, fuel-efficient Wankel engine to meet with today’s strict emissions regulations.

One thing we do know is that Mazda was caught testing a 1.6L, two-rotor, twin turbocharged 400 horsepower rotary in an RX-8 in 2017, which is enough to leave us feeling optimistic about the future!

If it does happen, expect it to be a little different to the rotary engines that we know and love, most likely with some kind of electronic wizardry added into the mix!

In the meantime, there are some strong rumors that there are some BIG announcements coming from Mazda in January 2020 for their 100th anniversary. Could it be the RX-9, or a new rotary? Either way, we’ll keep our fingers crossed!

Mazda RX-7 FC второго поколения

Mazda RX-7 FC

Если создатели RX-7 первого поколения вдохновлялись Lotus Elan, то при разработке автомобиля следующего поколения, ориентиром послужил Porsche 924/944. Новый руководитель проекта, Акио Учияма несколько изменил концепцию автомобиля, сдвинув ее в сторону увеличения комфорта и оснащения. Решение логичное, так как в Японии и США спрос на такие машины в середине 80-х только возрастал.

Так как ходовая часть предшественника порядком устарела, инженеры начали с разработки полностью нового шасси. Автомобиль получил независимую заднюю подвеску DTSS на косых рычагах. Особенность ее была в том, что при прохождении поворотов на высокой скорости создавалось положительное схождение, которое минимизировало избыточную поворачиваемость и вероятность заноса. Кроме того FC получила: дисковые тормоза всех колес, регулируемые амортизаторы AAS и реечный рулевой механизм взамен червячного. Другими словами возможности шасси новой RX-7 серьезно возросли, осталось дело за мотором.

Мазда RX-7 второго поколения поступила в продажу в 1985 году. Для американского рынка, FC оснащалась двухроторным РПД 13B-VDEI с электронным впрыском топлива мощностью 146 л.с. Через год появилась версия с турбонаддувом на 182 л.с. В Японии автомобиль с самого начала продавался только с турбомотором, причем на 3 л.с. мощнее.

Простой, но лаконичный интерьер. Панель приборов выделялась крупным тахометром посередине

В США FC полюбили. Да так, что журнал Motor Trend признал ее лучшим импортным автомобилем 1986 года. Не отставали коллеги из Car and Driver, которые включили автомобиль в десятку лучших машин года. Безусловно полюбить FC было за что. При своей невысокой цене в 19000 долларов, она имела отличные технические характеристики. К примеру до 100 км/ч купе разгонялось за 7,2 сек, что на всего 0,7 больше чем Porsche 944 Turbo. Однако при этом стоимость немецкого автомобиля отличалась в большую сторону более чем в 2 раза!

Группа инженеров Мазда во главе с Такахару Кобаякавой (первый снизу), отвечал за разработку двигателя для FC. Впоследствии стал главой североамериканского подразделения компании

В 1988 году, Мазда представила RX-7 в версии кабриолет. Крыша складывалась автоматически, а специальная ветрозащитная шторка защищала от сквозняка в салоне. В следующем году, Mazda увеличила мощность двигателей. Так атмосферный мотор был форсирован до 160 л.с., а турбированный до 200 л.с. (205 в Японии).

По традиции модель получила множество лимитированных версий. Самими редкими считаются Infiniti (600), GTU (1100) и юбилейная 10th Anniversary (1500 машин). Всего же с 1985 по 1991 год, японская компания выпустила 272 тыс. автомобилей.


The Mazda RX-7 Spirit R (Type A) is a true legend in the world of sports cars. Its stunning design, impressive performance, and rotary-powered engine make it one of the most sought-after cars on the market. The RX-7 Spirit R’s legacy is built on its reputation as one of the last true rotary-powered sports cars, and its rarity and exclusivity make it a highly coveted collectible.

Whether you’re a car enthusiast, a collector, or simply a fan of Mazda’s innovative engineering and design, the RX-7 Spirit R is a car that should be on your must-see list. With its thrilling performance, impressive handling, and stunning design, the RX-7 Spirit R is a true masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on anyone who has the privilege of experiencing it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the 2002 Mazda RX-7 1.3 Spirit R Type A

Are there any other generations of the Mazda RX-7 apart from the 2002 model?

Yes, the Mazda RX-7 has several generations. The 2002 model belongs to the third and final generation, known as the FD generation.

How is the fuel consumption of the 2002 Mazda RX-7 1.3 Spirit R Type A?

The fuel consumption of the 2002 Mazda RX-7 1.3 Spirit R Type A is approximately 16.9 mpg in the US (20.3 mpg in the UK) or 13.9 L/100km in the 10/15 mode.

Does the 2002 Mazda RX-7 1.3 Spirit R Type A have any notable exterior features?

Yes, the 2002 Mazda RX-7 1.3 Spirit R Type A comes with standard front and rear spoilers, enhancing its aerodynamic performance and overall sporty appearance.

What are the safety features available in the 2002 Mazda RX-7 1.3 Spirit R Type A?

The 2002 Mazda RX-7 1.3 Spirit R Type A is equipped with driver and passenger airbags, side impact bars, and other safety features to ensure occupant protection.

Can the 2002 Mazda RX-7 1.3 Spirit R Type A be considered a collectible car?

Yes, the 2002 Mazda RX-7 1.3 Spirit R Type A is highly regarded among enthusiasts and collectors due to its iconic status, limited production, and exceptional performance.

What are the dimensions of the 2002 Mazda RX-7 1.3 Spirit R Type A?

The 2002 Mazda RX-7 1.3 Spirit R Type A has an exterior length of 428.5 cm, an exterior width of 176 cm, and an exterior height of 123 cm.

Brian Wong / Author

Brian Wong is an accomplished automotive journalist and editor with a passion for cars. With over a decade of experience in the industry, he has established himself as a trusted voice in the automotive community. Brian has written extensively about a wide range of topics in the field, from the latest trends in car design to innovative safety features and emerging technologies. As a senior reviews editor, he is responsible for test driving and analyzing the latest cars on the market, providing readers with accurate and objective reviews. His articles are widely read and respected for their depth of knowledge and analysis. Brian is committed to staying at the forefront of the latest developments in the automotive industry, and is dedicated to sharing his expertise and insights with his readers.

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Complaint Description Name and Location Photo
wireing 1993 Mazda RX-7 juniorunited states, tx, giddings
I need to know how they go my last mechanic pulled them and left them like that

RX-7 FD3S Spirit R

The RX-7 FD3S Spirit R is a rare and highly collectible sports car that was produced by Mazda from 2002 to 2003. The car features a unique VIN number and is one of only 1,500 units ever produced. The RX-7 FD3S Spirit R is powered by a twin-turbocharged 1.3-liter rotary engine that produces 276 horsepower and 231 pound-feet of torque.

The RX-7 FD3S Spirit R features a lightweight design and a sophisticated suspension setup that provides excellent handling and ride comfort. The car comes equipped with a limited-slip differential, four-piston brake calipers, and forged aluminum 17-inch wheels that enhance its performance and handling.

FD3S (с 1991 по 1995 год и до 2002 года для Японии)

Mazda RX 7 III
Mazda RX-7 третьего поколения.
отметка Mazda
Годы производства — 1995 гг.

— 2002 (Япония)

Производство 68,589 копий
Класс Спортивное купе
Двигатель и трансмиссия
Энергия Бензин
Положение двигателя Продольный перед
Передача инфекции Движение
Коробка передач Ручной Автоматический
Хронология моделей


FD-3S (кодовое название шасси) — эталонный спортивный автомобиль для большого числа автолюбителей. Его двухроторный двигатель, названный 13B-REW, является той же базой, что и FC3S, с той разницей, что он существует в версии с последовательным битурбо. Этот автомобиль по-прежнему остается очень популярной моделью среди тюнеров, самой известной из которых, безусловно, является Re-Amemiya . Мы до сих пор находим эту модель в соревнованиях по дрифту и Super GT (ранее называвшейся JGTC). В Японии шесть поколений FD3S, но только первые три были импортированы в Европу. Несмотря на то, что FD3S более старшее поколение, чем другие спортивные автомобили, используемые в соревнованиях, благодаря отличному шасси, низкому центру тяжести и многочисленным возможностям регулировки, он остается чрезвычайно быстрым автомобилем на трассе. Несмотря на репутацию своего двигателя за его слегка переоцененную хрупкость, автомобиль добился особенно хороших результатов в чемпионате на выносливость в Японии.

Производство FD3S разделено в Японии на 6 серий: 1 была выпущена 12/1991, 2 — 08/1993, 3 — 03/1995, 4 — 01/1996, 5 — 12/1998, и 6 в 10/2000 (конец производства в 08/2002). Серийный номер — это первая из 6 цифр японского VIN (номера шасси), например, в VIN FD3S-123456 1 будет серийным номером. Всего было выпущено 9 лимитированных серий (тип RZ в 10/1992 г. — 300 автомобилей, RZ в 10/1993 г. — 150, R-II Bathurst в 09/1994 г. — 350, R Bathurst X в 07/1995 г. — 777, RB Bathust X в 01/1997 — 700, RS-R в 10/1997 — 500, RZ в 10/2000 — 325, R Bathurst R в 08/2001 — 650, Spirit R в 04/2002 — 1504) и 2 специальных выпуска (Батерст Р. в 02/1995, Р. Батерст в 12/2001). На 4 серии появились задние фонари круглой формы; подушки безопасности пассажира и увеличенные передние фары на 5; серия 5 также имеет механические модификации подвески и двигателя, которые увеличивают мощность до 280 л.с. на некоторых моделях. Люк в крыше существовал в качестве опции для серии 1 с механической коробкой передач, был стандартным для некоторых моделей с автоматической коробкой передач до серии 4, а затем исчез.

Ссылки: FD3S и FC3S появляются в манге Initial D с братьями Takahashi на борту и в Fast and Furious 3. Кроме того, игра Inertial Drift позволяет игроку разблокировать Roton 7D, который, очевидно, относится к FD3S до тех пор, пока в двигатель.


Mazda is the only major automotive manufacturer to have persisted with Felix Wankel’s revolutionary rotary engine design and early models like the Cosmo, R100 and RX2/RX3 enjoy a cult following today. It took until the launch of a proper sports car, the RX-7, in 1978 for the rotary to find a chassis more suited to its high-revving characteristics; the first generation model received rave reviews and proved a commercial success, with over half a million sold. The second generation RX-7 of 1985-1991 took Mazda’s sports car further upmarket, competing with the likes of Porsche’s 944 thanks to clever technology and the first appearance of a turbo variant. When Mazda unveiled the third generation RX-7 in 1991, it was clear the model had come a long way from its humble roots, harnessing a complex sequential twin turbo system to overcome lag and deliver linear power all the way to the redline. With perfect 50:50 weight distribution achieved by locating the engine well behind the front axle, the new FD RX-7 also looked the part, with bold new styling that has only got better with age. In fact, the third generation RX-7 was a bone fide supercar, combining sublime handling, excellent braking and strong acceleration. The RX-7’s swansong was the hugely collectible Spirit R, a Japan-only model built in limited numbers using all the best bits – sold in three distinct versions, the Type A featured five-speed manual transmission and lightweight Recaro seats, the Type B added 2+2 seating configuration while the Type C came exclusively with automatic transmission. Mazda made just 1,504 Spirit Rs, of which the majority were sold in Type A guise, all in right-hand drive configuration. Nominally rated at 276 horsepower, notable features included the forged BBS 17-inch wheels, Bilstein shock absorbers, hard-type torsion LSD, cross-drilled brake rotors with red calipers and twin oil coolers, while exterior changes included special badging and the front diffuser. The Spirit R’s interior benefited from a Nardi leather steering wheel and stitched gearshifter and handbrake, silver instrument bezels and the special Kevlar Recaro seats. Seen by many as the ultimate production RX-7, values of th Spirit R have been climbing fast in recent years and Japanese sports cars of the 1990s are hotter than ever in the marketplace right now.

— Desirable Type A ‘Spirit R’ Mazda RX-7
— Very clean, well-maintained car
— Limited-Edition Japanese supercar

Build number 0561 of 1500, this immaculate Mazda RX-7 Spirit R is a 2002 Type A model finished in the signature Titanium Grey paint combined with red Recaro seats. Imported into Australia in 2006, the Japanese Registration Certificate supplied indicates the car had 12,900 kms on the clock when it left Japan and the odometer is now reading 69,400 kms in total. Regularly serviced in Australia, the Mazda has benefited from a new clutch and brake pads, while the engine, diff and gearbox oils all changed recently. The very straight body has been freshly repainted in the original colour and a new front splitter fitted, while the unrestored BBS rims are showing minor wear and Recaros still have the original covers. We are advised the engine is standard apart from an aftermarket ECU (the original is supplied) and the car certainly runs and drives very well. The current owner spent a lot of time searching for the best Spirit R available at the time and chose this example for its outstanding condition, but a change of plans mean the car is now reluctantly offered for sale. Currently registered in NSW until March 2019, the Mazda comes with the original import papers and an RX-7 handbook (in Japanese) and would make a fantastic addition to any rotary collection.

Note: Shannons advise that all potential buyers research all vehicles before purchase to authenticate originality.

External links

Mazda Wankel rotary timeline

Type 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s
5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Compact Familia/R100 R100
Mid-size Capella/RX-2 RX-2
Luce/RX-4 RX-4
Full-size Roadpacer RP
GT Cosmo/RX-5 CD
Sports Savanna/RX-3/RX-7/RX-8 RX-3 SE
Pickup Proceed/REPU REPU

Mazda road car timeline, 1990s–2000s

Type 1990s 2000s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kei car Carol Carol Carol Carol
AZ-Wagon AZ-Wagon AZ-Wagon AZ-Wagon
Scrum Scrum/Scrum Wagon Scrum/Scrum Wagon
Subcompact Revue/121 Demio/121 Demio/Mazda2 Demio/Mazda2
Compact Familia/323/Protegé Familia/323/Protegé Familia/323/Protegé Axela/Mazda3
Familia Van Familia Van Familia Van
Mid-size Capella/ Capella Capella/ Atenza/Mazda6 Atenza/Mazda6
Cronos//Xedos 6/Eunos 500
Eunos 800/Xedos 9/Millenia
Full-size Sentia//Efini MS-8 Sentia
Sports car MX-6/Mystère MX-6/Mystère/Efini MS-6
Roadster/MX-5/Miata Roadster/MX-5/Miata Roadster/MX-5
MX-3 Precidia
RX-7 Efini RX-7/RX-7 RX-8
Pickup B-Series B-Series B-Series BT-50
Minivan Premacy Premacy/Mazda5
Efini MPV/MPV MPV MPV/Mazda8
Bongo Friendee
Crossover CX-7
SUV Navajo Tribute Tribute
Van Bongo Bongo
Truck Titan Titan Titan Titan


Racing versions of the first-generation RX-7 were entered at the prestigious 24 hours of Le Mans endurance race. The first outing for the car, equipped with a 13B engine, failed by less than one second to qualify in 1979. The next year, a 12A-engine car not only qualified, it placed 21st overall. That same car did not finish in 1981, along with two more 13B cars. Those two cars were back for 1982, with one 14th place finish and another DNF. The RX-7 Le Mans effort was replaced by the 717C prototype for 1983. In 1991, Mazda became the first Japanese manufacturer to win the 24 hours of Le Mans. The car was a 4-rotor prototype class car, the 787B. The FIA outlawed rotary engines shortly after this win. To this day the rotary powered Mazda is the only Japanese manufacturer to have ever won the prestigious 24 hour Le Mans race outright.

Mazda began racing RX-7s in the IMSA GTU series in 1979. That first year, RX-7s placed first and second at the 24 Hours of Daytona, and claimed the GTU series championship. The car continued winning, claiming the GTU championship seven years in a row. The RX-7 took the GTO championship ten years in a row from 1982. The RX-7 has won more IMSA races than any other car model.

The RX-7 also fared well at the Spa 24 Hours race. Three Savanna/RX-7s were entered in 1981 by Tom Walkinshaw Racing. After hours of battling with several BMW 530i and Ford Capri, the RX-7 driven by Pierre Dieudonné and Tom Walkinshaw won the event. Mazda had turned the tables on BMW, who had beaten Mazda’s Familia Rotary to the podium eleven years earlier at the same event. TWR’s prepared RX-7s also won the British Touring Car Championship in 1980 and 1981, driven by Win Percy.

Canadian/Australian touring car driver Allan Moffat was instrumental in bringing Mazda into the Australian touring car scene. Over a four year span beginning in 1981, Moffat took the Mazda RX-7 to victory in the 1983 Australian Touring Car Championship, as well as a trio of Bathurst 1000 podiums, in 1981 (3rd with Derek Bell), 1983 (second with Yoshimi Katayama) and 1984 (third with former motorcycle champion Gregg Hansford). Australia’s adoption of international Group A regulations, combined with Mazda’s reluctance to homologate a Group A RX-7, ended Mazda’s active participation in the touring car series at the end of the 1984 season.

The RX-7 even made an appearance in the World Rally Championship. The car finished 11th on its debut at the RAC Rally in Wales in 1981. Group B received much of the focus for the first part of the 1980s, but Mazda did manage to place third at the 1985 Acropolis Rally, and the Familia 4WD claimed the victory at Swedish Rally in both 1987 and 1989.

The RX-7 is considered as a popular choice in import drag racing, during the late nineties toward 2004 Abel Ibarra raced a spaceframe FD which averaged no less than high 6 seconds passes, until he replaced it with a spaceframe RX-8, the FD was later to shipped and sold to an Australian.

The FC and FD is considered a popular choice for drifting contests, given the long wheelbase and an average of 450 bhp (336 kW). Youichi Imamura won the D1 Grand Prix title in 2003 and Masao Suenaga narrowly lost his in 2005, both in FDs.

The RX-7 is a popular choice among autocross drivers.

In Japan, the RX-7 has always been a popular choice in domestic events, competing in Group 5 based Formula Silhouette to its modern day incarnation, the Super GT series from when the Japan Sport Sedan series would become the GT300 category which it had been competing in. Its patience would pay off as in 2006, RE Amemiya Racing Asparadrink FD3S won the GT300 class championship.

Мировая легенда

Созданный как идейный подражатель Lotus Elan, со временем Mazda RX-7 превратилась в спорткар мирового уровня. Быстрый, легкий, технологичный и как следствие, сложный и дорогой в обслуживании. Во многом это предопределило репутацию RX-7 как ненадежного автомобиля. Но это не помешало Мазде RX-7 приобрести культовый статус. Автомобиль стал героем компьютерных игр, фильмов и аниме сериалов, навсегда войдя в историю.

Решится ли Мазда выпустить новый роторный спорткар? К сожалению никто не знает ответа на этот вопрос. Роторно-поршневой двигатель — дорогая и очень сложная технология, так что это маловероятно. Время покажет.

2002 Mazda RX-7 Spirit R

The 2002 Mazda RX-7 Spirit R is a car that needs no introduction. Its classic Mazda design combined with its impressive performance make it one of the most sought-after sports cars in the world. The Spirit R is powered by a twin-turbocharged 1.3-liter rotary engine that produces 276 horsepower and 231 pound-feet of torque.

The RX-7 Spirit R is a testament to Mazda’s innovation and engineering prowess. It features a lightweight design, a 50:50 weight distribution, and a five-speed manual transmission that provides a thrilling driving experience. The Spirit R also comes equipped with a limited-slip differential, four-piston brake calipers, and forged aluminum 17-inch wheels that enhance its performance and handling.

RX-7’s In Motorsport

As you probably guessed, the RX-7 hasn’t impressed in drifting alone. Let’s take a look at which other forms of motorsport it’s famed for.

The U.S

With its first entry in 1979, the RX-7 took both 1st and 2nd place at the 24 Hours of Daytona and claimed the GTU series Championship. It then went on to win the Championship for seven years in a row, and then went on to take the GTO championship for 10 years in a row from 1982.

It later went on to win more IMSA races than any other car in history.

Le Mans & Spa 24hr Events

Despite it not being hugely successful, Mazda made several attempts at competing in the Le Mans, with 14th being their highest finishing position. However, they then went on to tackle Spa 24 Hours, with their Savanna RX-7 winning the event in 1981.


Having had great success in Europe and America, Australia was their next effort. It had a huge amount of success, winning the 1983 Australian Touring Car Championship and a handful of Bathurst 1000 podiums. It then also went on to take the win in the 1983 Australian Endurance Championships.

Mazda decided to retire from Australia when the Group A regulations came into force, as they would be required to build 5,000 units plus 500 evolution models.


It may come as a surprise, but the RX-7 even entered the World Rally Championship to compete in the RAC Rally in Wales, where it went on to take a respectable 11th place against some of the worlds best.

Group B

Little is known about their Group B history, mainly because it sadly never happened. However, , which never made the crazy world of Group B.

Mazda RX-7 Savanna первого поколения

серия SA

Mazda RX-7 SA первого поколения

Выпустив Mazda RX-3 в начале 70-х, японцы попали в точку. Недорогой и при этом быстрый автомобиль прославился в автоспорте и завоевал популярность среди энтузиастов. Для того чтобы закрепить успех, Мазда решила создать доступный, спортивный автомобиль с роторным двигателем.

Работа над Mazda RX-7 началась в мае 1976 года, а уже через два года автомобиль пошел в производство. Над проектом работали: главный инженер Сумио Мочизуки, моторист Кеничи Ямамото и дизайнер Матасабуро Маэда. Так как сроки поджимали, инженеры во многом использовали уже отработанные решения. Ходовая часть представляла собой независимую переднюю подвеску типа MacPherson с мощным стабилизатором поперечной устойчивости. Сзади находилась довольно сложная подвеска на основе неразрезного моста с механизмом Уатта на четырех продольных тягах. Да конструкция не самая передовая, но типичная для японских автомобилей тех лет.

С такой подвеской рассчитывать на отточенную управляемость не приходилось. Поэтому инженеры сосредоточились на идеальном балансе центра тяжести и развесовки. Благо компактный РПД позволял некоторые вольности в компоновке.

Роторный двигатель Mazda 12A

Гордость компании, роторно-поршневой двигатель А12 размещался за передней осью обеспечив практически идеальную развесовку в соотношении 50,7:49,3. Его мощность составляла 100 л.с., очень неплохой показатель для машины весом в 1013 кг. Также в актив RX-7 можно отнести малый коэффициент лобового сопротивления Сх 0,36. К примеру аналогичный показатель Lamborghini Countach составлял 0,42.

Между тем, дизайн за авторством Маэда-сана получился крайне удачным. Хотя понятно, что основным источником его вдохновения послужил Lotus Elan. Тем не менее Mazda RX-7 смотрелась гармонично, вполне в духе времени и клиновидного дизайна.

В 1981 году Mazda RX-7 претерпела первый рестайлинг. Специалисты заменили составные бамперы на интегрированные, добавили широкий пластиковый молдинг на боковины, а также изменили оформление задних фонарей. Вдобавок, Mazda RX-7 лишилась 4-ступенчатой механики, сохранив в гамме лишь 5-ступенчатую МКПП и 3-ступенчатый автомат.

серия FB

Mazda RX-7 FB

Следует отметить, что из-за широкой географии продаж, Mazda RX-7 имела множества модификаций. Так в 1983 году для американского рынка вышла комплектации GLS. С ней машина получила дисковые тормоза по кругу и дифференциал повышенного трения LSD. Кроме того, независимо от комплектации, мощность мотора увеличилась на 10 л.с., а модель сменила внутреннее обозначение с SA на FB.

В 1984 году, автомобиль претерпел последнюю модернизацию. В гамме появился новый мотор 13B-RE объемом в 1,3-литра мощностью 135 л.с. Кроме того, специально для Японии предлагался турбированный РПД 12А мощностью 163 л.с.

Спустя год FB уступила место машине следующего поколения. Всего было выпущено 474 тысяч автомобилей.


At Drifted, we’re becoming increasingly disappointed with the automated repetitiveness of the soulless present-day auto industry.

After a long-awaited re-release for the Supra which ended in a BMW-based disappointment, it makes us appreciate the finest cars of the 90s even more than ever, and the RX-7 truly earns its spot on the podium.

Even in bone-stock form, as Mazda intended, there’s no question that the RX-7 is one of the most unique and iconic sports cars ever produced. It challenged the ordinary, and it well and truly stunned anyone that doubted its capabilities.

It’s certainly not the cheapest or most convenient car on the planet to maintain, but we have no doubt that it’ll be worth the time, money and effort that it consumes!

Its looks, suspension, and chassis truly define perfection, and the rotary really is an incredibly unique invention which makes them even more desirable in their own way.

If you can get your hands on any RX-7, from a Savanna to an FD, do so! Just be careful that it’s not a complete heap, otherwise, it could end up costing you big bucks to restore it to the condition it deserves.

There’s been no better time to own one and they’ll undoubtedly continue to rise in value. What’s better than having an investment which can also put a huge grin on your face and take you back to your childhood?!

Will we ever get a worthy heir to the Mazda throne? We’ll keep our hopes up for a worthy successor and hope that Mazda once again pulls the impossible out the bag with another incredible rotary engine!

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