Альфа ромео джулия 2021 2022 года

2023 alfa romeo giulia

За рулем Alfa Giulia

Alfa Romeo Giulia — одна из тех машин, которые сразу производят впечатление. очень весело, поскорее горные перевалы. Тем более с бензиновым двигателем, гораздо более рафинированным, чем дизель по шумности, и с тяговитостью его 280 CV распределяется на все четыре колеса.

Прошло некоторое время с тех пор, как я был на Giulia, но я быстро почувствовал себя как дома. из-за этого Такое прямое и точное рулевое управление, такая спортивная посадка водителя и эти огромные металлические подрулевые лепестки с сенсационным ощущением никогда не забудутся.. Ни баланс, который он передает, и то, насколько хорошо он поворачивает даже в самых извилистых поворотах.

Асфальт и окружающая среда были холодными, но наша тестовая машина была обута в шины. Предел сцепления в этих условиях не такой высокий, как у летних спортивных шин при высоких температурах, но поведение автомобиля остается безупречным с точки зрения точности и удовольствия за рулем. На самом деле, легче исследовать свои пределы.

я все еще думаю, что это самый захватывающий седан для вождения, тот, который передает больше всего и наиболее точно. Кажется, все сделано для того, чтобы мы улыбались, а в случае включения спортивного режима с селектор ДНК, нам не терпится еще немного увеличить ритм. Если вы добавите к этому несколько металлических кулачков, как Бог задумал, чтобы управлять секвентальной коробкой передач, которая дает этот классный небольшой рывок при переходе на следующую передачу… Я не могу устоять.

Со своей стороны, двигатель мощностью 280 л.с. ласков и своенравен одновременно, так что приятно как для ежедневных поездок в спокойном темпе, так и для наслаждения в счастливом темпе. Любопытно, что красная зона тахометра доходит до 5.500 об/мин, хотя срез происходит на 6.000.

Alfa Romeo Giulia Questions & Answers (FAQs)

Get answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Alfa Romeo Giulia, including its features, specifications, performance, maintenance, and more.

What is the Alfa Romeo Giulia 2023 Lowest Monthly Installment?

The lowest monthly installment for Alfa Romeo Giulia starts from AED 2,394 for 60 months with DP AED 27,800 .

Helpful (3)

The Alfa Romeo Giulia delivers 200 of maximum power and 330 Nm of maximum torque.

Helpful (3)

The length of Alfa Romeo Giulia is 4643 mm , while the width is 2024 mm .

Helpful (5)

The fuel tank capacity of Alfa Romeo Giulia is 58 L .

Helpful (4)

The Alfa Romeo Giulia Alloy Wheel Size is 17 Inch .

Helpful (1)

The new Alfa Romeo Giulia has Cargo volume of 480 L .

Helpful (2)

Yes, the new Alfa Romeo Giulia has Yes along with Yes and Yes .

Helpful (1)

What’s all this four-door Ferrari talk?

It’s more than talk. The Giulia Quadrifoglio (Cloverleaf) was engineered by a team led by ex-458 creator Philippe Krief, is powered by a twin-turbo V6 that’s essentially a cut-down 488 GTB V8 and sends its power exclusively to the rear axle.

When the Giulia was first revealed, Alfa’s engineers claimed the Maserati V6 used in the Ghibli S would have caused packaging problems and wouldn’t have produced the required power reliably, so lopped a couple of cylinders off the Ferrari V8 to create a very special 2.9-litre V6 with 503bhp and 443lb ft (this subsequently became 514bhp).

Other markets get a choice of manual or auto, but the cost of engineering the stick-shift to work with right-hand drive wasn’t considered worth the hassle. Don’t lose any sleep over that: it’s pretty clunky anyway, and the excellent ZF auto we do get has eight rather than six gears giving you even more opportunities to chase the redline.

Despite downgrading the crank to a more conventional cross-plane variety, this engine loves to rev. It doesn’t scream exactly through those quad tailpipes, but switch the drive mode selector to the fourth mode, Race (regular Giulias just get the regular Alfa Drive, Natural and Advanced Efficiency settings), and it growls like an Italian union rep asked to work a bank holiday. Alfa says 3.9sec to 62mph and a 191mph top end. Not slow, then.

Комплектация Альфа Ромео Джулия 2023


  • Альфа Коннект 8,8 дюйма
  • Navegador
  • Apple CarPlay и Android Auto
  • беспроводная зарядка для мобильного
  • Передние и задние датчики парковки
  • Камера заднего вида
  • Матричные полностью светодиодные фары
  • 12,3-дюймовая цифровая приборная панель
  • 17-дюймовые колеса
  • активный круиз-контроль
  • Автономное экстренное торможение
  • предупреждение о выходе из полосы движения
  • Бесключевой доступ

Спринт (добавить)

  • Комбинированная ткань и кожа
  • Светочувствительные зеркала
  • подрулевые лепестки
  • 18-дюймовые колеса
  • обнаружение слепых зон
  • V-образная передняя решетка черного цвета

IT (добавляет Супер)

  • Крючки для багажника
  • Светочувствительные зеркала
  • подогрев передних сидений
  • кожаные сиденья
  • 18-дюймовые колеса
  • вставки из серого дерева
  • электрические передние сиденья
  • подогрев руля
  • обнаружение слепых зон
  • черная передняя решетка

Veloce (добавляется в Sprint)

  • дифференциал повышенного трения
  • Черные кожаные спортивные сиденья
  • электрическая регулировка поясницы
  • Специальные бамперы
  • 19-дюймовые колеса
  • Алюминиевые вставки
  • Глянцевая черная окантовка окна

Соревнование (добавляет Veloce)

  • Красные тормозные суппорты
  • Аудиосистема Harman Kardon с 15 динамиками
  • кожаная приборная панель
  • Тонированные стекла
  • Подвеска Alfa SDC (адаптивная)
  • Логотипы Alfa Romeo и Competizione на передних подголовниках.

Обзор первого рестайлинга

В 2023 году спортивному седану Alfa Romeo Giulia исполняется 7 лет, и все это время автомобиль подвергся лишь фейслифтингу, попутно получив скромное внутреннее обновление.

Само авто рождалось в муках, ведь его дебют несколько раз переносился, но в итоге Джулия предстала перед публикой аккурат на 105-летие компании Альфа Ромео. Результат понравился всем: и руководство FIAT, и поклонники марки продолжают называть Alfa Romeo Giulia 2023 сочетанием красоты и спортивной управляемости.

В плюсы этой модели также записывают «горячий» характер, обеспечиваемый мощными турбомоторами, но прекрасная внешне «итальянка» заметно уступает по уровню внутреннего оснащения своим ближайшим конкурентам BMW 3-й серии и Mercedes-Benz C-класса.

В 2023 году этот недостаток решено исправить появлением двух новых модификаций. Одна из них под названием Lusso предложит кожаную обивку оригинального кроя для сидений, дверных карт и козырька передней панели, а также стереосистему Harman/Kardon с 14 динамиками. Место «топовой» версии оснащения займет Estrema, где добавится адаптивная подвеска и дифференциал повышенного трения.

Внешний дизайн и салон

После рестайлинга 2022 года Alfa Romeo Giulia обновила начинку головной оптики – теперь там три секции матричных прожекторов. В задних же фонарях установили прозрачные рассеиватели. Изменения попробовали внести и в передний бампер, правда, огромные воздухозаборники решили не трогать, поменяв лишь заполняющую их сетку.

В салоне главным приобретением стала цифровая «приборка», органично поместившаяся между бывшими «колодцами», от которых остались лишь внешние очертания. Мультимедийка же сохранила свой 8.8-дюймовый размер, но отныне она работает с ПО, поддерживающим обновление «по воздуху».

Техническая начинка

Базовая бензиновая версия Alfa Romeo Giulia 2023 имеет под капотом 2.0-литровый четырехцилиндровый турбодвигатель мощностью 200 л. с. Также предлагается 280-сильный вариант такого же агрегата, который на полноприводном седане обеспечивает разгон до «сотни» всего за 5,5 секунды. Далее в линейке моторов представлены «дизеля» 2.1 на 160, 190 и 210 «лошадок». Самый слабый мотор ставится только на заднеприводные модификации авто. Коробка везде одинаковая – автоматическая 8-скоростная.

6 Contemporary Italian Styling

Alfa Romeo

The Alfa Romeo Giulia has been a shining example of poise since it launched in 2015, and the 2023 model is no different. The latest model maintains the tradition of exotic Italian looks, thanks to its V Scudetto grille, a confident stance, and refined, aggressive lines.

Via Alfa Romeo

Meanwhile, the carbon-fiber mirrors (Estrema grade) and brushed aluminum exterior trim (Lusso) add to the already striking appearance of this car. If you want to emphasize Giulia’s athleticism, Alfa Romeo offers a sporty appearance package on the Quadrifoglio. It bundles a carbon-fiber spoiler, a rear diffuser, a unique carbon-fiber hood, a quad-tip exhaust, and special wheels.

Update 3: How much does it actually cost to own an Alfa Romeo Giulia Veloce?

James finds out how much leaves your bank account every month if you were to own a Giulia Veloce

It’s easy to find out what the cash price is for an Alfa Romeo Giulia Veloce – £43,799. But, if like most customers you’ll pay for the car on a PCP or lease deal, how much does it actually cost to buy and run?

Fair warning, this won’t be the most exciting update I’ll ever write about my Giulia Veloce, but it should certainly be one of the most useful. See, since the vast majority of new car purchases are now done on finance, the up-front cash price doesn’t carry as much significance as it once did.

Watch the third episode of my Alfa Romeo Giulia Veloce video diary series here

What’s more important, is how much will have to leave your bank account every month to allow you to use the car in question. And, while we’re at it, we may as well factor in insurance, tax, servicing costs and fuel bills as well. Also, a bit of context would be helpful, so I’m going to do the same calculations for the BMW 330i M Sport – one of the Giulia Veloce’s biggest rivals.


Trim level(s)

All trims

Low-beam headlight type HID projector
High-beam headlight type HID projector
Curve-adaptive? Yes
High-beam assist? Yes
Overall rating G
Distance at which headlights provide at least 5 lux illumination:

car-simplercar-simplercar-simplercar-simplercar-simpler0 ft100 ft200 ft300 ft400 ft500 ft600 ftLow beamsOptimal low-beamilluminationHigh beamsOptimal high-beamilluminationHigh-beam assist credit

Low beams On the straightaway, visibility was good on both sides of the road. On curves, visibility was good in all 4 tests.

The low beams never exceeded glare limits.

High beams On the straightaway, visibility was fair on the right side of the road and inadequate on the left side. On curves, visibility was good in all 4 tests.

High-beam assist compensates for some limitations of this vehicle’s low beams on the straightaway and on the gradual left curve.

Technical measurements for this test

Trim level(s)
Low-beam headlight type HID projector
High-beam headlight type HID projector
Curve-adaptive? Yes
High-beam assist? Yes
Overall ratingApplies to 2017-23 models G
LOW BEAMS Average minimum useful illumination distance (5 lux) Amount glare exceeded threshold
Straightaway right edge 92.6 m None
Straightaway left edge 55.4 m None
250m radius right curve, right edge 88.3 m None
250m radius left curve, left edge 67.3 m None
150m radius right curve, right edge 75.7 m None
150m radius left curve, left edge 60.7 m None
HIGH BEAMS Average minimum useful illumination distance (5 lux)
Straightaway right edge 137.9 m
Straightaway left edge 121.7 m
250m radius right curve, right edge 94.2 m
250m radius left curve, left edge 81.0 m
150m radius right curve, right edge 77.6 m
150m radius left curve, left edge 79.0 m

Цены Альфа Ромео Джулия 2023

Мотор Обмен Тяга Acabado Цена
Мотор Обмен Тяга Acabado Цена
2.2 Дизель 160 автомат 8в задний супер 46.100 €
2.0 Бензин 280 автомат 8в Q4 супер 56.100 €
2.2 Дизель 160 автомат 8в задний спринт 48.600 €
2.0 Бензин 280 автомат 8в Q4 спринт 58.600 €
2.2 Дизель 160 автомат 8в задний Ti 51.100 €
2.2 Дизель 210 автомат 8в Q4 Ti 56.100 €
2.0 Бензин 280 автомат 8в Q4 Ti 61.100 €
2.2 Дизель 160 автомат 8в задний Veloce 53.600 €
2.2 Дизель 210 автомат 8в Q4 Veloce 58.600 €
2.0 Бензин 280 автомат 8в Q4 Veloce 63.600 €
2.2 Дизель 160 автомат 8в задний конкуренция 57.600 €
2.2 Дизель 210 автомат 8в Q4 конкуренция 62.600 €
2.0 Бензин 280 автомат 8в Q4 конкуренция 67.600 €

Moderate overlap front: original test

Rating applies to 2017-23 models built after May 2017

Tested vehicle: 2017 Alfa Romeo Giulia Ti 4-door

The Alfa Romeo Giulia was introduced in the 2017 model year. Beginning with 2017 models built after May 2017, the front-end structure was modified and the door hinge pillar and sill were reinforced to improve occupant protection in small overlap and moderate overlap frontal crashes. (Information about when a specific vehicle was manufactured is on the certification label typically affixed to the car on the driver door or adjacent B-pillar.)

Overall evaluation G
Structure and safety cage G
Driver injury measures
Head/neck G
Chest G
Leg/foot, left G
Leg/foot, right G
Driver restraints and dummy kinematics G

Action shot taken during the moderate overlap frontal crash test.

The dummy’s position in relation to the steering wheel and instrument panel after the crash test indicates that the driver’s survival space was maintained very well.

Smeared greasepaint indicates where the dummy’s head contacted the side curtain airbag during rebound.

The driver’s space was maintained well, and risk of injuries to the dummy’s legs and feet was low.

Technical measurements for this test

Measures of occupant compartment intrusion on driver side

Test ID CEF1704
Footwell intrusion
Footrest (cm) 2
Left (cm) 2
Center (cm) 2
Right (cm) 1
Brake pedal (cm) 4
Instrument panel rearward movement
Left (cm)
Right (cm)
Steering column movement
Upward (cm) -2
Rearward (cm) -8
A-pillar rearward movement (cm)

Driver injury measures

Test ID CEF1704
HIC-15 171
Peak gs at hard contact no contact
Tension (kN) 1.0
Extension bending moment (Nm) 11
Maximum Nij 0.22
Chest maximum compression (mm) 34
Femur force — left (kN) 0.7
Femur force — right (kN) 1.0
Knee displacement — left (mm) 2
Knee displacement — right (mm) 2
Maximum tibia index — left 0.43
Maximum tibia index — right 0.33
Tibia axial force — left (kN) 2.0
Tibia axial force — right (kN) 2.4
Foot acceleration (g)
Left 60
Right 63

What’s the handling like?

Really rather excellent and that’s largely down to the fact that the Giulia QV comes in significantly lighter than all of its rivals at just 1660kg. In an age where two-tonne plus performance saloons are commonplace, the Alfa Romeo is positively featherweight – and it shows.

The steering is super quick yet carefully judged so that the rest of the car can cash the cheques the front wheels are writing. Body control is taught, yet the ride is reasonably supple and forgiving. It’s the kind of car that flows down your average country road, working with the bumps and cambers of the tarmac rather than trying to flatten them with blunt aggression.

Indeed, post-2023 facelfit cars deliver perhaps even greater body control as well as a superior feel of agility that manifests in a more natural manner than its closest rivals. The optional carbon brakes do let the side down, however. We’ve no complaints about the stopping power, yet the feel and modulation is a long way short of what the rest of the car promises.

One thing that is worth highlighting is the difference between the electronic locking differential and the mechanical LSD – the latter fitted to post 2023 facelift examples. The former was known for sometimes being snappy on the limit and not delivering entirely consistent traction on corner exit.

Thankfully, Alfa Romeo’s decision to take a drastic approach to fixing the issue seems to have worked. With the mechanical diff, the Giulia Quadrifoglio is less spiky and easier to send into a moderate slide, while the regaining of traction on corner exit feels more predictable. It’s not the lairiest setup, but it does keep the back end of the car more tied down and elastic to the driver’s inputs.

Giulia Veloce optional equipment

I’ve also opted for the striking Misano Blue paint and the Driver Assistance Plus Pack that, for £1,000, adds:

  • Automatic high beam system
  • Lane Keep Assist and Highway Assist System (HAS)
  • Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR)
  • Traffic Jam Assist
  • Active Blind Spot Assist
  • Driver Attention Assist
  • Electrochromic rearview mirror and wing mirror with electrochromic autodimming
  • Intelligent Speed Control

One thing I don’t have on this car is the optional Performance Pack A, that adds a limited-slip differential and, more importantly, adaptive dampers – or as Alfa calls it, Synaptic Dynamic Control (SDC). Having been lucky enough to run a number of cars with adaptive dampers over the last couple of years, I’m keen to see what Alfa’s engineers can do with the one-size-fits-all passive setup. Making a car ride and handle properly with four switchable suspension tunes is much easier than picking that perfect compromise with a fixed setup.

So, I’ll be keeping a close eye on the ride and handling, but also other aspects of the vehicle such as the upgraded infotainment system (available since the 2020 model year update), general quality and those interesting ‘quirks’ we’ve often seen in cars from Alfa Romeo – existing owners will know what I’m talking about!

For now, though, I’m excited to have picked up the Giulia Veloce and am already convinced it’s the best-looking exec saloon out there. The Misano Blue paint, blacked out details and yellow brake calipers give it a subtle presence that doesn’t always come through in pictures yet looks incredible in the flesh.

Starting mileage: 1,198

Claimed average fuel economy: 38.2mpg

Engine, Transmission, and Performance

The 2022 Alfa Romeo Giulia promises a sports car mix. When talking about the mechanical aspect, it gives amazing results in terms of engine and power.

The upcoming model will feature a 2.0-liter in-line turbo 4-cylinder engine developing 280 hp and 306 lb-ft of torque. Power is transmitted via a single-speed automatic transmission.

Excellent automatic transmissions are used by several manufacturers and when this transmission is used in conjunction with a powerful engine the power delivery is linear with sharp shifts.

With Italian power and strong acceleration, the Alfa Romeo Giulia 2022 shows the true synonym for speed.

Fans really love this aspect because it’s really impressive to be behind the wheel of this super-duper car. The 0-60mph number is impressive at 5.5 seconds and the quarter-mile clock is 14.1 seconds.

Read Also:  2021 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider: Limited Editions

Child seat anchors

Applies to 2017-23 models

Overall evaluation


Vehicle trim Ti
Seat type leather

This vehicle has 2 rear seating positions with complete child seat attachment (LATCH) hardware.

It has 1 additional seating position with a tether anchor only.

Overall evaluation


Vehicle trim Ti
Seat type leather


G Good
A Acceptable
M Marginal
P Poor
Seating positions that rely on borrowed lower anchors or have only a tether anchor available are not rated.
thether anchor symbol Tether anchor
lower anchor symbol Lower anchors
Lower anchor(s) can be borrowed from adjacent positions(s)
No hardware available

Details by seating position

Tether anchor
easy-to-find location
no other hardware could be confused for anchor
Lower anchors
too deep in seat
not too much force needed to attach
difficult to maneuver around anchors
Tether anchor
easy-to-find location
no other hardware could be confused for anchor
Lower anchors
none available
Tether anchor
easy-to-find location
no other hardware could be confused for anchor
Lower anchors
too deep in seat
not too much force needed to attach
difficult to maneuver around anchors

Technical measurements for this test

Seat position 21


Lower anchor A
Open access rated Yes
Depth Not visible
Force (lbs)
Clearance angle (degrees) 36
Lower anchor B
Open access rated Yes
Depth Not visible
Force (lbs)
Clearance angle (degrees) 34
Tether anchor
Location Rear deck
Confusing hardware present No
Has contrasting label within 3 inches of tether anchor Yes

Seat position 22


Lower anchor A
No lower latch for this seat position
Lower anchor B
No lower latch for this seat position
Tether anchor
Location Rear deck
Confusing hardware present No
Has contrasting label within 3 inches of tether anchor Yes

Seat position 23


Lower anchor A
Open access rated No
Depth (cm) 2-4
Force (lbs) 2
Clearance angle (degrees) 32
Lower anchor B
Open access rated Yes
Depth Not visible
Force (lbs)
Clearance angle (degrees) 34
Tether anchor
Location Rear deck
Confusing hardware present No
Has contrasting label within 3 inches of tether anchor Yes

Alfa Romeo Giulia Review 2023

Abhishek Katariya says

The Alfa Romeo Giulia is currently the most affordable four-door sedan offered by the Italian marque in the UAE car market. Known for its beautiful looks and enthusiast-friendly driving character, the Alfa Romeo Giulia is currently on sale in the UAE in four different variants – Base, Super, Veloce and Veloce Ti. There are fifteen colour options in which the Alfa Romeo Giulia is available in the UAE – Alfa Red, Alfa White, Alfa Black, Moonlight Pearl, Silverstone Grey, Stromboli Grey, Vesuvio Grey, Vulcano Black, Visconti Green, Montecarlo Blue, Anodized Blue, Misano Blue, Competizione Red, Trofeo White and 6C Villa D’Este Red.

Read More
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Brand Alfa Romeo UAE
Price AED 139,200 — 402,990
Body Type Sedan
Engine 1995 cc — 2891 cc
Transmission Type Automatic
Power Output 200 and 330 Nm of torque 280 and 415 Nm of torque 510 and 600 Nm of torque
Fuel Type Petrol
Seating Capacity 5 Seater
Width 2024 mm
Length 4643 mm
Height 1426 mm — 1450 mm
Cargo Volume 480 L

How do they feel in the real world?

I’ll start by saying that after doing hundreds of miles in the QV (and having an enormous amount of fun in the process) I didn’t feel disappointed getting back into the Veloce – which in itself is probably one of the best compliments going.

That’s because the QV is honestly one of the finest mainstream road cars I have driven in over six years of road testing. For starters, the engine is bristling with power and urgency yet the smoothness and linearity of the way it delivers its 510hp is deeply satisfying. Paired with the snappy eight-speed ZF automatic gearbox and optional Akrapovic exhaust, it’s a model powertrain at any price point.

Then there’s the handling. Twisting the drive-mode selector into Dynamic or Race mode firms the car up and sharpens the already keen responses to create a driving experience most sports cars would be proud of. Central to this is the low kerb weight. At just over 1,500kg it’s several hundred kilos lighter than both the Mercedes-AMG C63 and BMW M3, allowing the Giulia to feel like it’s working the chassis far less than its rivals.

And yet for all this fun and performance, perhaps the QV’s greatest party piece is how civilised it becomes when you take it out of the sportiest modes. The ride, the gearbox, even the engine settle down to deliver a relaxed, easy-going driving experience that’s not far removed from what the Veloce can produce. If there was ever proof that Alfa Romeo’s engineers are some of the best in the business when it comes to dynamics, this has got to be it.

Back to the Veloce, though, and I’m impressed with how the cabin still has that same driver focus as the QV. The lovely aluminium gearshift paddles, the ergonomic steering wheel and simple control panels – it may not be as tech-laden as a Mercedes or Audi but there’s a lot to be said for the ease of use.

Out on the road, the Veloce (even on passive dampers) maintains the wasp-like agility of the QV and only feels a touch softer when pressing on. Bumps and cracks in the tarmac are also handled deftly, but it’s disappointing to see the Veloce suffering from markedly more wind noise around the mirrors (I’m still convinced this is an issue unique to my car, rather than the model as a whole).

The Veloce’s engine also feels like it could do with loosening up a little compared with the QV’s. Of course, it’s not going to be as quick, but it only comes alive in Dynamic mode which seems a shame for everyday driving.

How practical is the Alfa Romeo Giulia?

For those sitting in the front, the Veloce benefits from standard-fit electric seats so there’s plenty of adjustment to help you get comfortable. Elbow room is good and you rarely feel cramped. Meanwhile, storage space is reasonable with decent door pockets, space under the armrest, a wireless charging pad and a cubby underneath the centre console (which, incidentally, is usually where I keep my phone).

One thing I have noticed about the aforementioned electric seats however, is that the driver’s seat moves back and forward automatically in order to allow easier access behind the wheel. Great, nice feature, but it does mean that if you have rear seat passengers, the driver has to climb in and then turn the engine on before anyone clambers in behind them. Do it the other way around and there’s simply not enough legroom for the offside rear-seat passenger to get in comfortably. You can, however, turn this feature off if it becomes a real pain.

This aside, rear seat passenger room is usable despite the apparently low roofline. Those significantly over six-foot will struggle, but otherwise it’s comfortable enough in the back of the Giulia – even if luxuries such as USB points or a separate climate control zone are conspicuously absent. Also, there is a middle seat, but the chunky central tunnel (as seen on a lot of cars) robs legroom so it’s best used only for shorter journeys.

Finally, boot space is comparable with the BMW 3 Series Review and Audi A4 review at 480 litres and larger than the Mercedes-Benz C-Class review at 455 litres. 40/20/40 split-folding rear seats are also standard on the Veloce and can be triggered via handily placed levers in the boot. Wheel arch intrusion is noticeable and it can have an impact when loading very heavy items, but it’s no issue when carrying suitcases and other large bags.

Tune in for the next update where I compare my Giulia Veloce with its Quadrifoglio bigger brother!

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