Ferrari f355

Ferrari f355


F355 Берлинетта

В году был запущен F355 Berlinetta . Купе-версия спортивного автомобиля от компании из Маранелло, завоевавшая расположение публики благодаря привлекательной линии, замечательным характеристикам и хорошей управляемости. Мощный, маневренный и элегантный, он был по достоинству оценен спортивной клиентурой дома. Он оставался в производстве до года .

F355 GTS

В году была представлена ​​версия F355 GTS , которая сохранила без изменений линию купе, несмотря на то, что была оснащена классическим жестким люком на крыше автомобилей «типа тарга».

Феррари 355 ГТС

F355 Паук

Феррари Ф355 Паук

В году также был представлен F355 Spider , версия, оснащенная полностью открывающимся брезентовым верхом. Он оставался в производстве до года .

Вызов F355

Феррари во время производства F355 решила создать комплект для подготовки трассы для самых спортивных клиентов и заставить ее участвовать в собственном чемпионате. С по год гоночная версия модели F355 Challenge участвовала в чемпионате Ferrari Challenge. По сравнению с автомобилем, от которого он произошел, а именно F355 berlinetta, разработки были сосредоточены на выхлопной системе и сцеплении . Двигатель не дорабатывался . Эти версии не имеют номера шасси (у них есть специальный код) и не могут быть зарегистрированы для использования на дорогах. На смену ему пришел 360 Challenge .

Серия F355 Fiorano

В 1999 году Ferrari представила ограниченную серию F355 Spider под названием Serie Fiorano . Эта ограниченная серия, выпущенная в количестве 100 единиц, включала в себя ряд модификаций управляемости и эстетики автомобиля, включая новые гоночные подвески, карбоновые вставки в кабине, четыре перфорированных и вентилируемых тормозных диска с модифицированными колодками, более отзывчивое рулевое управление и прямое управление. и черная задняя решетка версии Challenge.


The roots of the F355 have become the stuff of motoring lore, recited by every bar-room expert. The , so the legend goes, was a stinker. Now, we’re not saying those early 348 TBs weren’t poor, but, like a lot of performance car history, perceived truths become distilled and streamlined into a simple narrative all too easy to repeat. A late 348 GTB is by no means a bad car, but the early 348 did look half-hearted, even complacent, next to Honda’s sparkling NSX, a car that redefined the concept of a useable supercar. The 348 was neither quick enough nor useable enough, and simply not very nice to drive quickly.


Технические характеристики

Технические характеристики — Феррари Ф355 с 1994 года
Кузов : Берлинетта Положение двигателя : центральное Привод : задний
Размеры и вес
Габаритные размеры (длина × ширина × высота в мм ): 4250 × 1900 × 1170 Минимальный диаметр поворота :
Колесная база : 2450 мм Колея : передняя 1514 — задняя 1615 мм Минимальный дорожный просвет :
Всего мест : 2 Багажник : Танк :
Массы пустой: 1350  кг
Тип двигателя : 90° V 8 цилиндров — Степень сжатия : 11:1 — С жидкостным охлаждением Рабочий объем : 3495,5  см³
Распределение :верхний распределительный вал, 5 клапанов на цилиндр . Топливная система: электронный впрыск Bosch Motronic M 2.7
Производительность двигателя Мощность : 380 л.с. при 8250 об/мин / Крутящий момент : 363 Н·м (37 кгм) при 6000 об/мин
Зажигание : статическая электроника Bosch M 2.7 Электрическая система :
Сцепление : сухое однодисковое Коробка передач : в блоке с двигателем (6 передач + задний ход)
Кузов автомобиля самонесущий из стали
Рулевое управление стойка
Подвески передние: независимые колеса / задние: независимые колеса; деформируемые поперечные рычаги, винтовые пружины, стабилизаторы поперечной устойчивости, газовые амортизаторы
Тормоза спереди: самовентилируемый диск / сзади: самовентилируемый
Шины перед: 225/40 ZR 18 — Зад: 265/40 ZR 18
Заявленная производительность
Скорость : 295  км/ч Разгон : 0-100 км/ч за 4,7 с 0-1 км за 23,7 с

The conclusion

The last day I was cruising through the city and I thought to myself what an extraordinary car this would be to daily drive, to road trip, to do everything with really. I have read a lot of the negative comments about the Ferrari F355 Berlinetta, but now I ignore them. Because I accept it would not be a cheap car to own. I know the mileage would increase fast with my driving, and I would have to service it often. I could not keep one as a garage queen, it is too good for that, YOLO. Like I always say, “why save the fun to someone else?”. I know eventually something would break down in an old car. And it is a Ferrari after all (no Honda NSX spare part costs here…), so you would look at the garage bill with horror.

Then you would take it for a drive again and hopefully forget about all bills. Because if you can afford to keep and drive one, I would like to believe this is one of the cars that gives you more than it takes. One day I hope to join the F355 owner’s club, and find out for myself. What’s life without a little risk?

The car driven was a Ferrari F355 Berlinetta from 1995, nero / verde – black with green interior, 6-speed manual gearbox, 88 000 km, fully documented service history. It is for sale in Finland by classic car dealer and specialist Harri Asunta. You can read more about the car on his website.

Ferrari F355 Berlinetta 1994-1999

The Ferrari F355 Berlinetta was built from May 1994 to 1999. First it was only offered with a 6-speed manual gearbox, but from 1997 they offered a 6-speed F1 electrohydraulic manual (paddle shifters) as an option. In total 11,273 F355:s have been built, and 4,871 of those were road-going Berlinettas. The F355 is powered by a mid-mounted 3.5L V8 (90° flat crank), developing 380 hp at 8250 rpm and 363 Nm at 6000 rpm. The car can accelerate from 0-100 km/h in 4,7 seconds and reach a top speed of 295 km/h.

While preparing for the drive, and to get some hints about what car I was about to experience, I read a lot articles online about it. Many of the articles that ranked the highest sadly had a negative tone. They gave the impression the F355 is one of the worst Ferraris you can buy, because of the high maintenance costs. In my eyes it is however one of the most beautiful Ferraris you can buy. And the fact you can still get good ones for under 100K euros (but maybe not for long!) makes it an even more appealing car to dream of.

The drive

By Adam Towler (evo231)

Driving the F355 is really easy but never anything other than special. There is no form of electronic safety net, but, for reasons I’ll come to in a little while, that’s not a problem – certainly not in the dry. The clutch is agreeably light, and the car is soon moving forwards, requiring your first Ferrari open- gate gearchange. It feels divine. If you’re expecting an awkward resistance then fear not; the mechanism is fast and, with the guidance of the gate, there’s no prospect of mis-slotting a gear. Forget the click-clack cliché, the spindly lever makes more of a sckreech sound as it squeezes between the metal cutaways, a noise that would be comparable to fingers down a blackboard were it not for the satisfyingly tactile sensations of mechanical components meshing precisely with one another.


The flat-plane-crank V8 doesn’t actually sound that good when you’re just ambling along. It’s a busy sort of engine note, hard-edged like the tip of an industrial drill. It’s only when you breach 5500rpm that it homogenises into something petrolheads like us would call musical, which is precisely the point at which the F355 pulls itself taut and accelerates with real determination.

To make genuinely rapid progress in an F355 you need to keep the engine spinning between 6000rpm and a little over 8000rpm. Oh man, what a chore. Only kidding – driven thus, an F355 is pure bliss, with seemingly no limit to the speed with which cogs can be swapped, the engine revving tirelessly, the noise consuming everything.

After the twitchiness of a 348 TB, it takes only 500 yards to get a sense that the F355 is going to be a faithful friend: malleable, exploitable, enjoyable. It rides like a pliantly suspended sled, with the feeling that the track is broad and with a big, sticky tyre right at the extremity of each corner.


The steering is reasonably light, with the whole car feeling delicate to the touch: whether moving the gearlever around the gate or turning into a corner, the F355 is a car you tend to drive using just your fingertips once familiarity sets in.


В 1993 году Ferrari посвятила себя разработке наследника модели 348.

Во время строительства Ferrari начала переносить некоторые знания, полученные из мира Формулы-1 , в серийные автомобили: электронный впрыск , плоское днище, секвентальная коробка передач и подвеска с электронным управлением , регулируемая из кабины в двух разных режимах: Normal и Sport. . Последнее, в частности, сделало подвеску более жесткой, а в версиях с секвентальной коробкой передач с электроприводом ускорило переключение передач.

Двигатель Ferrari F355 1994-96 годов с Motronic 2.7

Шасси F355 было полностью изготовлено из стали , а кузов по сути был основан на предыдущем Ferrari 348 . Двигатель , расположенный в центральной части автомобиля, представлял собой 3,5-литровый 90° V8 с 5 клапанами на цилиндр, способный развивать максимальную мощность 380 л.с. при 8250 об/мин, что больше по сравнению с 300 л.с.

F355 также был новаторским благодаря углубленному исследованию аэродинамики, проведенному Pininfarina , как для прохождения потоков в полностью обтекаемом днище автомобиля, так и вокруг кабины.

Коробка передач F355 изначально представляла собой классическую 6-ступенчатую механическую коробку передач + RM. В году для всех версий 355 впервые в истории Ferrari стала доступна коробка передач «типа F1 » с электроприводом . Коробка передач F1, заимствованная из мира гонок, представляла собой коробку передач без педали сцепления и управлялась двумя коромыслами, расположенными за рулем для включения и переключения передач, характерными для одноместных автомобилей F1, а также некоторыми органами управления, расположенными на центральный туннель для выбора заднего хода и нейтрали. Сцепление было полуавтоматического типа. В году F355 уступил место новому Ferrari 360 .

The drive

A little gutted that the car seemed to have such a bad reputation, I picked up the car with “wonder if it will work all weekend” thoughts running through my head. My task was not only to photograph it. It was also my responsibility to get it in one piece to a Concours d’Elegance event, about 450 km round trip. In total I probably spent nearly 650 km in this car – and it worked without any problems all weekend. On the day of departure I woke up to rain. An Italian supercar (yes, I think this is a true supercar and not “just” a sports car) from the 90’s on a rainy day, on some good driving roads with plenty of curves, is perhaps not the ideal first test drive you could think.

Truth is, it was. Without going into details about speeds reached I want to tell the world how nice the car was to drive. Both on wet roads, as well as dry roads. If I ever had any doubts if this car would work for daily driving in any weather (except snow), those doubts were all gone after that weekend. I understand the hype around modern high performance cars. I work with them, and on this website and my company website I encourage people to drive them. I would not do that if I did not think it is a very special experience to be seated in a new supercar, with all the latest technologies. They are faster, more safe, and often also more comfortable for daily use. But in my personal opinion there is nothing that beats the feeling of driving an older manual transmission high performance car. For me those are the best drives.

Old manual gearboxes are more challenging and more rewarding, because you really need to do some work for a smooth downshift. There is no computer to help you match the revs to engine speed automatically. That is your job using rev matching or double clutching techniques (and maybe even heel-and-toe). I am not an expert because so many modern manual transmission cars have auto rev-matching these days. For this reason I would actually want to have an older manual car as my daily driver. I do not want to forget, I want to improve my driving skills. Because of the gated shifter in the F355 you will clang the stick into the shift gate, especially if you try to shift fast. And while you of course can try to manoeuvre the stick with a bit more precision inside that gate so it does not clang that loud, and skills most likely improve if you live with it daily, I actually think it adds to the driving experience that you get a “clink-clink” sometimes followed by that last “clang”. Somehow suits the car.

Driving the Ferrari F355 berlinetta you will feel the clutch is light, which adds to daily driving comfort. The low seating position is one of the best I have ever experienced in a car. And while you can tell from the handling feel it is an older car with its imperfections, the joy in these cars come from the level of involvement they require. I want to feel like I am in charge of the car. That feeling is easily lost in modern cars if it feels like a train on rails. The grip on wet surface exceeded my expectations, and I found myself pushing it harder and harder through those corners. Simultaneously the air conditioning was defogging the wind screen at maximum speed, so I could see the road in front. Occasionally the thought “wonder if this is such a good idea” was in the back of my head, but each corner I drove with more confidence than the previous.

We make a good team is the feeling you get in this car. You do not have to be an experienced driver to drive it, but with it you will become a better driver.

When I downshifted to second gear before a tunnel and accelerated up to redline inside it, I gave the other drivers there a preview of what it once might have been like to listen to an old F1 car in the tunnel during Monaco Grand Prix. This V8 has a mind-blowing sound. To say it sounds like a Formula car is not even exaggerating – it really does! However even if the sound from stock exhaust sends shivers down the spine, I also love the sound from a F355 with Capristo. This video has always been one of my favourites:

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