Honda fn2/fd2 civic type-r

Honda civic type r fn2 – review, history, prices and specs


  • 1 EK9 (1997; на базе Civic шестого поколения)
  • 2 EP3 (2001; на базе Civic седьмого поколения)
    • 2.1 30-летие издания
    • 2.2 Профессиональная версия
    • 2.3 C Пакет
    • 2.4 Последний год производства
  • 3 FD2 / FN2 (2007; на основе Civic восьмого поколения)
    • 3.1 FD2 (японская версия)
      • 3.1.1 Civic Mugen RR (ABA-FD2)
      • 3.1.2 Civic Mugen RC (2008)
    • 3.2 FN2 (европейская и международная версия)
      • 3.2.1 Триммеры
      • 3.2.2 Прием
      • 3.2.3 Рынки
  • 4 FK2 (2015; на базе Civic девятого поколения)
    • 4.1 Производство
    • 4.2 Производительность
    • 4.3 Безопасность
      • 4.3.1 Специальные выпуски
      • 4.3.2 Концепция Mugen Type R
      • 4.3.3 Специальные выпуски
    • 4.4 Регионы
      • 4.4.1 Соединенное Королевство
      • 4.4.2 Япония
  • 5 FK8 (2017; на базе Civic десятого поколения)
    • 5.1 Внешний вид
    • 5.2 Двигатель и другие характеристики
    • 5.3 Внутренние элементы и меры безопасности
    • 5.4 Записи
    • 5.5 Рынки
      • 5.5.1 США
      • 5.5.2 Соединенное Королевство
      • 5.5.3 Австралия
      • 5.5.4 Индонезия
      • 5.5.5 Малайзия и Сингапур
      • 5.5.6 Таиланд
    • 5.6 Награды
  • 6 FL (2022; на базе Civic одиннадцатого поколения)
  • 7 См. Также
  • 8 ссылки
  • 9 Внешние ссылки

История модели

Honda Civic Type R в кузове EK9

Напомним, что линейка моделей Сivic Type R появилась в 1996 году, это был легендарный EK9 c ревущим мотором B16 который крутился до 8500 об/мин. Это не просто спортивный автомобиль, это легенда, которая заслужила свою популярность благодаря, своим ездовым качествам.

И до сих пор этот автомобиль остается востребованным на рынке, так как он ничем не уступает современным.

Технические характеристики:
• Марка двигателя: B16B
• Разгон для 100 км/ч: 6.7 c
• Максимальная скорость: 232 км/ч
• Мощность:185 л.с
• Крутящий момент: 160 при 7500 об.мин
• Вес: 1030/1070 в зависимости от комплектации.

Кузов EP3

В 2001 году появился “топор” в кузове EP3. Двигатель B16B уступил место 2-х литровому K20A, который положил начало мотором K-серии в линейки Type R.

Технические характеристики:
• Марка двигателя: K20A
• Разгон для 100 км/ч: 6.6
• Мощность:200 л.с для Европы, для японского рынка 215 л.с
• Крутящий момент: 193 Hm
• Вес: 1210 кг.

Honda civic в кузове FD2 и FN2

В 2007 году в продажу поступил новый Тайп Р на базе 8-го поколения Honda Сivic. Автомобиль позаимствовал двигатель у своего предшественника , это был все тот-же K20A. Для азиатского рынка модель поставлялась в кузове седан, а для европейского хэтчбек. К слову сказать это единственный Type R который официально продавался в России (в России FN2 продовался, кузов FD2 продовался исключительно в Японии).

Технические характеристики FD2:
• Марка двигателя: K20A
• Разгон для 100 км/ч: 6.3
• Мощность:225 л.с.
• Крутящий момент: 215 Hm
• Вес: 1260 кг.

Технические характеристики FN2:
• Марка двигателя: K20Z4.
• Разгон для 100 км/ч: 6.8 c
• Мощность:201 л.с.
• Крутящий момент: 193 Hm
• Вес: 1338 кг.

Рекордсмен FK2

Когда вышел Civic 9 поколения, сразу же появились слухи о заряженной версии Type R, но фанаты очень долго ждали, целых 5 лет. Но это того стоило, потому что FK2 как и нынешняя модель стал рекордсменом на Нюрбургринге среди переднеприводных машин.

Технические характеристики FK2:
• Марка двигателя: K20C(К атмосферному К20А мотор не имеет ни какого отношения).
• Разгон для 100 км/ч: 5.7 c
• Мощность:310 л.с.
• Крутящий момент: 400 Hm.
• Вес: 1380 кг.

Buying an FD2 Type R in North America

At this point, you’re probably tempted to splash the cash on a well-kept example of the Japan-only Type R sedan. That, unfortunately, isn’t as easy as you might think.

For starters, if you’re in the United States, the very earliest FD2 Civic Type Rs won’t become legal to import until 2032. However, if you’re based in Canada, good news for you.

As Canadian import laws require a car to be 15 years old, as opposed to 25, the earliest 2007 and some 2008 FD2Rs can be legally imported.

Prices run the gamut, with some pristine examples gracing $50,000, and the MUGEN RR is fast approaching 6 figures. A good condition Type R with lower miles will run you $15,000 to $25,000.


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How does the 2017 Civic Type R compare?

The new car follows the FN2 in that it’s been designed to stand out from the herd. It’s a striking-looking car, and far from handsome. In fact, it’s as far from cohesive as you could possibly imagine – the unhappy result of the brief for a ‘world car’, that needs to suit the tastes of the Americas, Europe and Asia. In reality, it probably doesn’t have a happy home anywhere. However, like the 2007 car, the questionable set of clothes hide a great engine.

And what an engine it is. With 320bhp, this is a fast car. Again, forget the on-paper figures, which would suggest these two cars aren’t that far apart in performance. They are. The 2017 car sprints from 0-62mph in 5.7sec and tops out at 169mph, but in any given situation, the old car wouldn’t see which way this went. Because Honda bowed to reality and turbocharged the CTR, its performance is much more readily accessible – you’re rarely waiting for boost to build or revs to rise. It just goes, and goes hard.

Absurdly hard, actually. Yet despite being probably too quick for UK roads, it never feels anything less than composed – so much so that in the pursuit of Ford Focus RS-chasing performance, it’s lost some of the feel and communication of the 2007 car. We’ll say the same about the engine note, which after the high-rev howl of the naturally aspirated version is little more than an angry drone. There’s not even any turbo whistle to amuse. Shame, because otherwise it’s a brilliant modern hot hatch.

Технические характеристики

Основные параметры

• Марка кузова:FK8
• Объем двигателя: 2.0 литра
• Тип трансмиссии: Механическая 6-ти ступенчатая коробка передач
• Разгон до 100 км/ч: 5.7 секунд
• Расход топлива: 7.8
• Число дверей:5


• Марка двигателя:K20C
• Максимальная мощность:320 л.с
• Максимальный крутящий момент:400 Hm
• Тип двигателя: рядный, 4-цилиндровый
• Степень сжатия: 9.8
• Диаметр цилиндра: 86 мм
• Ход поршня:85,9 мм
• Нагнетатель:Турбина
• Выбросы:181 г/км

Коробка передач

• Передаточное число 1-й передачи: 3.625
• Передаточное число 2-й передачи:2.115
• Передаточное число 3-й передачи:1.529
• Передаточное число 4-й передачи:1.125
• Передаточное число 5-й передачи:3.757
• Передаточное число 6-й передачи:0.734
• Передаточное число задней передачи:4.111


• Длина:4560 мм
• Высота:1435 мм
• Ширина:1875 мм
• Колесная база:2700 мм
• Минимальный радиус разворота: 5,9 м
• Шины:245/30ZR20
• Масса: 1390 кг
• Объем топливного бака: 46 литра


• Передние: Дисковые вентилируемые
• Задние:Дисковые
• Производитель тормозов:Brembo

Цвет кузова

У Honda Civic Type R всего 5 вариантов окраса кузова, это: Championship White, Rallye Red, Aegean Blue, Crystal Black, Polished Metal.

The drive

First things first, every journalist that has driven this car has complained about how stiff it is. For me and you, this isn’t a problem. We all drive cars that are on coilovers and polybushed so we know an unforgiving ride when we’re presented in one.

The Mugen Civic Type R FN2 isn’t any different; it’s focused, razer sharp and brilliantly precise. Handling is this car’s secret weapon; CTRs have and always will handle well. However, Mugen has upped the levels of grip here thanks to that revised suspension. Not to mention the limited-slip differential and of course the Yokohama A048s. In fact, I don’t recall driving a front-wheel drive car with as much precision as the Mugen does.

Throw it into a corner and the front end bites, you can induce understeer if you push too hard but realistically if you do you’re doing it wrong… VTEC comes in harder than I’ve experienced before. The revised engine with new camshafts can only be described as savage; it almost feels boosted as you climb past 5500rpm, rather than the subtle-but-definitely-noticeable regular VTEC system that we’re used to.

The problem with that is that while the LSD does a great job in the corners, it undoubtedly suffers with torque steer through the wheel and snatches left and right trying to find grip. It’s OK when you’re prepared for it, but if you try say 2nd and plant your foot, you’ll start to push into the next lane if you can’t careful. That sense of drama adds another layer of character that is missing in new hatches, though, and you begin to love its flaws.


On the note of VTEC, the noise… that new Mugen exhaust harmonises the 2-litre engine; it sounds aggressive with a hint of rasp while it barks eagerly to the limiter, which you have to bash (sorry Honda, it’s the law). Thankfully, a quick chat with the engineers confirm that even with the extra power going through the engine, they’ve never had to take it apart for work since it was born.


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Mugen Civic Type R FN2 changes

What we have here is Mugen Euro’s efforts to produce a thoroughbred using motorsport expertise at its heart. It’s safe to say that this is a product you and I love. However, this isn’t something your average joe would care for, and I like that. It’s also worth mentioning that only 20 of these were built, making it uber rare.

The changes made to the Mugen Civic Type R FN2 were pretty extreme for a car that was already good out of the box. First up we have an uprated engine. It now produces 240bhp thanks to a set of Mugen pistons, camshafts, exhaust, intake and a trusty ECU remap. In total, power increased 20% with a jump of 10% in torque, too. This also happens to be the first time a Mugen built engine has featured outside of Japan. That goes to show the uniqueness of this FN2.

Up next is the suspension. Mugen developed its own system replacing both dampers and springs. The ride is lowered slightly, but the dampers have been wound up to 10 on the stiffness scale. The brakes are new, too, featuring 4-piston mono-block racing calipers and 310mm Mugen front slotted rotors / discs as well as Mugen pads to help fade.

The wheels are different, too. Instead, Mugen created its own 18inch GP forged alloy wheels finished in gun metal. Inside, the gearshift has been shortened for quick throws and customers had the option to remove the rear seats for a harness bar complete with harnesses to the front bucket seats.

On the outside, the car was treated to its own unique bodykit, which is said to improve downforce and thus overall handling.

FD2 Civic Type R: Production and Positioning

The 8th-generation Civic had its debut in 2007, and that’s when Honda decided to split the two body styles for different markets when it came time to develop the Type R.

While a lot of markets did also get the sedan version of the 8th-gen Civic, only Japan (and Malaysia) got the sedan version which bore the FD2 chassis code.

The differences between the FD2R and the global FN2 Civic Type R don’t just stop at the aesthetics. The powertrain on both cars is similar, but the drivetrain components and chassis construction are very different.

In Japan, the FD2 Type R sat at the top of the Civic lineup, and it’s still highly sought after to this day. One of the main reasons for that is the FN2 Type R was a bit soggy behind the wheel, but the FD2 corrected all of those problems.

While the FN2 Civic Type R was built at Honda’s facility in Swindon in the UK, right alongside the regular Civic and the CR-V of the same time, the FD2 was built in Honda’s Suzuka facility in Japan.

Production started in 2007 and ended in 2011. In 2015, the FK2 Civic Type R was finally released, and it reverted to a hatchback body style for all global markets.

When the FD2 Civic Type R first went on sale in 2007, it started at just over 3.7 million yen, or about $25,000.

Nowadays, $25,000 will net you a decent used example if you can find one, and some pristine examples are fetching closer to $50,000. Why are people charging so much money for what is, at the end of the day, a decade-old Honda sedan?

Well, it’s not just a decade-old Honda sedan. The Civic FD2 Type R is one of the most special performance cars to ever come out of Honda. Let’s see why that is.

FD2 Honda Civic Type R Information

2007 FD2 Honda Civic Type R

FD2 Honda Civic Type R History

Honda announced the release of the FD2 Civic Type R in Japan on March 29 2007. The Civic Type R, 4 door sedan with Front engine/Front drive, is powered by a specially tuned 2.0-liter K20A i-VTEC engine that makes 225 horsepower. The K20A engine performance has been improved by surfacing of head-port, by adopting the DBW (Drive-By-Wire) and by tuning the intake/exhaust manifolds. The Civic Type R has a close-ratio 6-speed manual transmission.
To achieve a high driving performance, the Civic type R has adopted the lightweight & high-rigid body shell, exclusive suspension, specially tuned ABS/EBD system, 18 inches Potenza tires, and 17 inches front disc brakes with Brembo 4-pot aluminum calipers.
The 2007 FD2 Civic Type R is equipped with exclusive aero parts, exclusive hood fenders, Type R red emblems, exclusive Honda R spec seats, exclusive steering wheel, a short stroke sports shift, metal pedals, and engine starter button. June 2007
Mugen announced the release of the performance-enhanced Civic Mugen RR. The K20 engine makes 240 horsepower (240ps/8000rpm, 22.2kgm/7000rpm) by having exclusive camshafts & valve springs and by tuning of intake/exhaust system. The Civic Mugen RR has adopted the 6 speed manual transmission with the short stroke shifter and Brembo brakes with slit-rotors stainless-mesh hoses. Furthermore, the Civic Mugen RR has achieved 15kg loss in weight by equipping the carbon front bumper & grille, the carbon rear wing,the aluminum hood with out-let,light weight alloy wheels, and carbon Recaro seats.


Model Type: ABA-FD2
Transmission: 6MT
Layout: FF
Seating Capacity: 4
Dimensions & Weight
Length / Width / Height (mm): 4,540 /1,770 / 1,430
Wheelbase (mm): 2,700
Tread Front/Rear (mm): 1,505 / 1,515
Indoorsize Length/Width/Height (mm): 1,900 / 1,470 / 1,170
Weight (Kg): 1,270
Minimum Ground Clearance (mm): 135


Engine type: K20A
Engine: Watercooled L4 DOHC
Displacement (cc): 1998
Bore x Stroke (mm): 86.0 x 86.0
Compression Ratio: 11.7
Fuel System: PGM-FI
Horsepower (kW/rpm): 165 / 8000
Torque (Nm/rpm): 215 / 6100


Gear Ratio: 6MT
1st: 3.266
2nd: 2.130
3rd: 1.517
4th: 1.147
5th: 0.921
6th: 0.738
Reverse: 3.583
Final Gear Ratio: 5.062


Front/Rear: McPherson Strut / Double Wishbone
Brake Front/Rear: Ventilated Discs / Discs
Tire Front: 225 / 40R18
Tire Rear: 225 / 40R18
Fuel Capacity (liter): 50.0

Main Equipment


Exclusive front bumper & black painted front grille
Exclusive rear bumper & black painted rear diffuser
Exclusive front spoiler & streak
Dark chrome grille bar & headlights sub reflector
Exclusive HONDA emblems & TYPE R emblem
Exclusive hood & front fenders
Exclusive red engine headcover
Aluminum bumper beam
Aluminum clear turn lamps
Exclusive side sill garnishes
Black painted large size rear spoiler
Dark smoked rear combination lamps
Dark chrome Civic emblem
Exclusive exhaust pipe finisher
Colored electric door mirrors
Half shade windshield
Rear window deffogger


Exclusive hard setting suspension
Exclusive POTENZA RE070 (225/40R18) tires.
Exclusive 18inches alloy wheels (18×7.5)
Exclusive black wheel nuts
Front BREMBO aluminum 4 pot calipers
Torque sensitive Helical LSD
Large size disc brakes (F : 320mm R : 282mm)
Front brake air intake ducts & air intake plates
Exclusive setting ABS
Exclusive setting EBD
Exclusive DBW (drive by wire)
Power steering


Honda R spec seats
Exclusive 3spoke leather wrapped steering wheel
Exclusive steering wheel emblem
Exclusive multi flex meter
i-VTEC/REV indicator
Aluminum shift knob
Short stroke sport shift Metal sports pedals & foot rest
Engine starter button
Exclusive black metallic panel & power window switch panel
Exclusive aluminum emblem with serial number
Exclusive aluminum emblem on side step garnish
Exclusive black metallic door handle
Exclusive design key


Driver & passenger i-SRS air bags
HID headlights with auto leveling
LHD high mounted stop lamp
Clutch start system


Full auto air conditioner
Speed sensitive auto door lock
Key lessentry unlock
Security alarm
Power window
Power window switch lamp
Powered door lock

Рекорд на “Нюрбургринге”

Honda сдерживает свои обещания, когда строили “R” в кузове FK2, они сказали, что это будет самый быстрый переднеприводный автомобиль, и они сдержали обещание, модель проехала “Северную петлю” за 7:50,63 секунды, тем самым “побив” Renault Megane RS 275 Trophy-R, у которого было время 7:54.

Но в октябре VW Golf GTI Clubsport S проехал за 7 минут 47,19 секунд, тем самым отобрав лидерство у Civic в кузове FK2. Стоить заметить, что Рено и VW трудно навать серийными, так как Megane RS 275 Trophy-R был облегчен, и на нам были обуты шины-полуслики и доработанная подвеска. А Golf GTI Clubsport S отличался форсированным мотором до 310 л.с, перенастроенной подвеской, измененными тормозами и естественно такой автомобиль выпустили в ограниченном количестве, всего 400 шт. Но все же все эти vfibys можно заказать у официального дилера.

Несмотря на все эти спецверсии конкурентов, новый Honda Civic Type R 2017 года выпуска, вновь становиться лидером, проехав Нюрбургринг за рекордные 7 минут и 43,8 секунды! При этом модификация модели полностью соответствует серийным автомобилям, но ради безопасности был установлен каркас безопасности который не связан со структурой кузова и не влияет на жесткость и удалены мультимедийная систему, что бы компенсировать вес машины.

Ниже вы можете посмотреть официальное видео заезда FK8 и видео предыдущего поколения модели в кузове FK2.

Новый “Топор” не только выделился среди переднеприводных, но и объехал много легендарных автомобилей таких как: BMW M3 GTS, Chevrolet Corvette C6 Z06, Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano, Porsche 911 GT3 RS (996), Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera, Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG, Pagani Zonda S, Audi R8 V10.

Можно сделать вывод, что инженеры хорошо поработали над нынешним поколением, потому что результаты говорят сами за себя.

Машина довольно вместительная и комфортная, после гоночного трека, можно даже жену с тещей свозить на дачу.


So, what about mod cons on the FD2 Civic Type R? There wasn’t a whole lot. While every car came with two-tone suede cloth seats and red carpets, creature comforts weren’t exactly abundant.

In true old-school Type R fashion, air conditioning was an option, and Honda also plugged up the area on the dash where the standard stereo system would be.

You could install a single or double DIN stereo, but from the factory, a stereo was not standard.

In that tired old saying about performance cars with no sound systems, the K20A was supposed to be your stereo. However, The interior was suitably different from the regular Civic sedan.

This was made possible thanks to the abundance of red all over the place, including in the center of the seats, a Type R tradition that Honda still follows closely, on the steering wheel badge, the carpets, and the gauge cluster.

Speaking of the gauge cluster, the FD2 Civic Type R uses the regular car’s 2-story instrument cluster, with the analog tachometer on the lower level directly behind the steering wheel, and the digital speedometer on the upper layer closer to the windshield.

This setup isn’t as convoluted as you may think, and it especially makes sense in the Type R. While you’re on the racetrack, the speed doesn’t matter. The revs and shifting at the optimal RPM are what matter most of all.

Like the upper instrument cluster, the tachometer replaces the blue accent lighting with red, and of course, it goes all the way up to 9000 rpm, with the redline being at the aforementioned 8600 rpm.

The engine starter button is off to the right side, and that’s about it.


As if the Type R itself wasn’t sought after enough already, there’s only one item that’s even more sought after, and that’s the MUGEN RR kit.

The MUGEN RR tacked on over $10,000 to the price of the regular Type R. For that price, you got an additional 15 hp, a new cam setup, a freer flowing exhaust, and a new intake, bringing the total output to 237 hp.

Aesthetic upgrades included a giant carbon fiber wing, carbon fiber bumpers, and forged alloy wheels. Furthermore, the RR kit also added MUGEN shocks and a Brembo big brake kit.

To round off the upgrades, the interior also received a pair of carbon fiber bucket seats from Recaro.

This is peak FD2R, and it’s the one that most enthusiasts are after. Only 300 of them were ever made, and while some have trickled into markets outside Japan, they’re still very, very expensive.


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Fairey Delta 2

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Fairey Delta 2

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Fairey Delta 2

…used on concorde.</p><p>fairey test-pilot peter twiss flew the first fd2 wg774, on its maiden flight on 6 october 1954….


Fairey Delta 2

…used on concorde.</p><p>fairey test-pilot peter twiss flew the first fd2 wg774, on its maiden flight on 6 october 1954….


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Tell me more about the older FN2 Type R?

Launched in 2007, the FN2-generation Euro-only Honda Civic Type-R combined the brilliant 2.0-litre VTEC K20A engine with famously spaceship-like styling. With the benefit of a decade’s worth of maturing, it looks taut and modern – and unlike its replacement, not awkwardly overstyled. Only the slim headlamps stop it looking like a car born in 2017.

Many would say that with a Type R, you’re buying an amazing engine first, and it doesn’t matter all that much what its wrapping looks like. I’d agree. With 198bhp developed at a supercar-like 7800rpm, the VTEC was this car’s crowning glory. Even 10 years ago, this focus on natural aspiration swam against the turbocharged flow of the rest of the hot hatch pack.

Under the skin, the FN2 was a retrograde step back from the EP3 breadvan. How so? The rear suspension moved from a multi-link independent set-up in the older car to a more conventional beam axle. It weighed in at 1190kg versus 1310kg for the newer car – and given there’s no appreciable power difference between the two, you can easily write the performance script.

Mugen Civic Type R FN2 verdict

This car is the perfect hot-hatch. The engine is brilliant in its delivery, comfortably faster than most and the sharpness of its steering beggars belief. But would you want to own it? That’s a tough question. Given its rarity, the temptation to preserve an example rather than drive it would be strong. Therefore it misses the point entirely. This is a car that’s meant to be driven, and driven fast.

Trying to find a genuine Mugen Civic Type R FN2 for sale today is near on impossible. Prices are going to hover around the same as a new FL5. That leaves you wondering whether it’s good enough to tempt you away from the new era of hot hatch from Honda.

As a fan of brilliant NA motors, my heart tells me it’s the Mugen all day long. The way it makes you feel when nudging that near 9k rpm limit. The way it switches cams so aggressively at 5500rpm and the way you can connect a set of corners so intricately makes you feel special. But in all honesty, in today’s world the FL5 is the better all-round car, so the sensibility in me says go with the new car.

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